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Elink has stopped working


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I think what Fishman was trying to get over was that with the 1.63 release there was a major rewrite of the software with the way that RM communicates with eLink. There are actions that the user has to undertake to make it work again. These actions are detailed in a post made by HRMS in the Hornby RailMaster thread, to which I have now added a clickable link. 5th post down on the page. Of course, it could be a pure coincidence that your eLink or power supply happened to go faulty exactly at the same time as 1.63 update.


Not familiar with the eLink myself, but does it have any LED indicators that show it is getting power from the power supply?


Have you checked plug fuses.


Do you get any messages on RM with regard to loss of communications to the eLink?


Is the controller icon in the top right hand corner of RM showing Green?


I appreciate that you might consider these comments above as 'teaching grandmother to suck eggs' but as you didn't give any detail about what diagnostic checks you have or have not undertaken, then it is necessary to assume that you have done none.

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In that case, what you have just described is exactly what others have had happen to them after updating to 1.63. The solution to your problem lies in implementing the documented changes to your railmaster.ini file as per the linked post I gave. I have pasted the appropriate extract below (note each entry should be on its own individual line in the file):



Ensure the lines

Alternative comms=1


Check controller=1

are in the RailMaster.ini file


Note: the lines are only in bold above to make them stand out in this post. They do not need to be in bold in the .INI file.


If you don't know what a .ini file is. The easy way to access it, is in RM 1.63 open the 'help' window from the top menu in RM. Near the bottom left you will see a little 'cog' icon. Click that and after following some on screen prompts, your current .INI file will open in an editable window. Look for, and add if missing, the new lines of text as per the linked post. To add the lines, scroll down to the bottom of the text list and place your cursor at the beginning of the very bottom blank line. Type the two lines as in the yellow box above (excluding bold font of course). Then save the modified file, close and re-open RM.


If that still doesn't work, then check the Baud rates also mentioned in the linked post. And as a final resort if all else fails follow the instructions regarding reloading a fresh driver., again documented on the linked post.


I am confident that performing those actions correctly will resolve your issue.

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Within the 'help' window of RM there is an inbuilt request support feature. You fill in a form explaining what's wrong, what you've done so far etc. Using this inbuilt feature results in diagnostic files from your system being sent to RM support.


It is important to provide detail, don't be brief in your text. The more info you give, the more they can help. I would recommend copying your text to your clipboard before hitting the send button, should the sending process end in error. You don't want to have to type it in all over again. If the reporting process is successful you should get an automated acknowledgement email into the mail account that you specify in the form within a minute or two. Plus an immediate successful / not successful message on screen.


If deemed necessary they can give you a link to some remote access communication software to install. This then gives support a secure encypted link into your PC to basically take control of your mouse, keyboard and screen. You can then sit back and monitor what support do to your PC in order to try and resolve your issue. They have helped many to a full resolution of their issues using this process.


I haven't seen this remote access process used myself, but I believe it works something along the lines of:


  • You install the SW that support give a link to.
  • You run the SW, it generates an access code that is unique to your online session.
  • You email this code to support, leaving the SW running and your PC connected to the Internet.
  • Support use this code to access your PC in a secure encrypted link over the Internet.


Others who have used this service can comment if I have captured the gist of it or not.

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Dale, you've told us you've done some of the things in the HRMS post, you've yet to tell us you've done everything, starting by re-downloading RM from the link at the top of the RM forum (whether you've done it before or not, do it again) and reinstalling it, and then continuing through everything else in the post.


Once you've done all of that without success, including reinstalling the driver if still not working, then email HRMS as Chris has explained above. You should get an immediate auto acknowledgement, and a follow-up from them in hours. If you don't get that auto acknowledgement, that will be telling you that there is an Internet access problem and come back for more advice. 


But note this isn't a thing where everyone is having to have HRMS take over their computers, following the post sorts out most people, only a few still left with problems. 

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After first making sure you've done everything in their post.  Then when you email them, you can report you've done it all, agsin remembering to look for the auto acknowledgement.


But after those comprehensive posts from Chris and myself, I'm surprised your only response was to ponder if your eLink is faulty. 

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Probably not.....let RailMaster support check it out and prove it one way or the other as instructed in the previous 'how to invoke support' replies.


As we have said before. The 1.63 version release of RailMaster has created a lot of issues for eLink users, with not ALL users experiencing the same problem. It is a complex issue, you need to get RailMaster support involved to check it out.


Just for your information. Had you made your original topic post in the RailMaster section of the forum rather than this DCC section, then RailMaster support monitor that forum section (they don't monitor this one). Thus, they would have seen all your previous posts and answers. Chances are (as they are proactive) they would have chipped into the debate within the thread and given you direct advice. They will only see your issue now, if you use the within Railmaster reporting support request function as previously documented as a 'how to' in an earlier reply.

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