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ELink with software other than RailMaster


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I do not  think support will be as good (personal opinion)


John, I don't know if that would be the case in real life regarding support, it very well may be. But interestingly, when I had my e-mail conversation this afternoon with the developer, and when I say developer, I mean this was the person who actually wrote the software. He was responding to my e-mails at a wedding reception he was attending in the Phillipines. Now that's dedication in my book.

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I downloaded Big Bear today, initial results good, it only took me 2 hours to learn how to use it, draw up the track diagram, configure it and start running trains. I like the magic route system, the fast key options and the point lever and switch icons which can be added to the diagram to control functions. I haven't tried the program recording yet but as you say it doesn't look as if you can modify or compile programs. Like RM, if you use your hand controller to change the points the mimic diagram doesn't follow but the program does seem to realise the points are the wrong way round next time they're operated. I've got to look if there are any feed back options possible. Definitely worth a look at as its so easy to use. 

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Just to add to Colin's post. As there was no mention of it on the Big Bear website I queried the developer as to whether BB was compatible with 'Touchscreen' monitors. In principle it is, the developer said the 'magic route' feature was particularly good in a touchscreen environment, but small icons grouped together around certain track plan objects, like a three way point for example could be problematic with a touchscreen, as are features that require a right click approach.


Perhaps Colin could keep us updated with his experiences of the application as he gets more indepth use of it. Pros and Cons and the like.


Colin a question.....what are the BB features like for reading writing CVs?

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 I tried the evaluation of BB some time ago and was not all that impressed so did not pursue it any further.

Looking at their website recently you need to be aware that you get 12 months support after you purchase and after that you are on your own unlike RM where the support carries on.

Just a thought.

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Chris, definitely not criticising but for future reference, your keyboard might be dislexic.  Java Model Railway Interface - JMRI.


Yes when I spotted that, my post edit window had expired....I don't know about being dislexic.....but it could very well be dyslexic.....Touché....(smiley)


Since my last post I looked at the downloaded evaluation copy of BB again, in a little bit more detail. As far as I can tell it has NO capability whatsoever of reading and writing CV's ( I don't think it can even perform a basic decoder DCC address configure). So even if it does recognise and communicate with an eLink that would be as useful as a chocolate teapot (or coffee pot for our colonial cousins). At least with the Elite, you can use it to write CV's and addresses using the buttons.


So at best it can only be considered as a user friendly graphical controller interface. Granted, many users will never need to tinker with CV's, but the way RM does it is a 'nice to have' feature.

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I prefer to use RM, than the Elite, to write CVs


As do I John, as do I........I was putting my Elite button comment in the context of using BB not RM. Had a look at CTI Electronics yesterday in light of another post I saw.

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Chrissaf, when my Railmaster ran perfectly, before i followed forum advice, and foolishly updated to i.63, i was, and still am happy with RM. At this moment in time, for reasons currently , unknown, it has stopped connecting, totally, despite all being in theory being correct. Hrms, are on the case, and no doubt will as usual, sort ouf. Fortunately, with Elite, plus rovlng select, i can play, but without my sounds, as i underatand that Elite does not keep them in its memory. It is a real shame, as had to cancel village children over the weekend. If i could roll back to  previous workings, i would be more content. john

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