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Still waiting.


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I thought I would impart my recent RM experience with regards to online response. I've been using RM for 18 months and to be fair I haven't had any significant problems although many little niggles which the RM forum and RM themselves have helped to solve promptly, that was until a few weeks ago. We know RM have had a large problem through the introduction of windows 10 which involved a major update and smaller revisions. Although I'm not using Windows 10 but Vista I updated to the new revision and then my problems began, RM works perfectly setting points and routes but suffers from loss of control quite randomly when using speed step changes, this has also mucked up my programs which don't operate correctly anymore. I contacted RM with a help request through the RM program three weeks ago and there first reply was two days later, since then there have been half a dozen e-mails from them with suggestions for me to follow which I have duly done but throughout the exchange I got the impression they just weren't reading the e-mails properly. Finally over a week ago they offered to take over my computer to have a look at the problem from inside which I agreed to twice (as they asked twice, not reading again) and since then I've had no contact at all. I cannot run my layout properly so finally today I've had enough and ordered a Powercab with a USB interface as I want to run trains.

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Colin E.  Hi, i find your post amazing. I know of no other manufacturer that offers the level of support hornby do, way above and beyond the call of duty..Neither have i ever had a problem with email exchanges, which they reply to promply, answering all points raised. I have due to my location in france, had to have them take over my machine twice, each time with complete success.. it would appear that you may have misunderstood, how the remote system works. You download what they ask, and  advise them the number. Wait by your machine, and usually in about 20 mins, they type in hello etc, and duly correspond as they proceed to correct errors. If you have not complied with any of this, nor been at your machine, then the fault lies with you, not HRMS.. Following the death of a relative, it has been some 4 weeks since i last connected, and i appear to have a mini prob. Emailed them on thurs, about 16.00, and had a full reply, within 24 hours. Should this not solve, they offered to again, connect with my machine. I wish you well with powercab, but you will be disappointed, if you expect their level of service to be  anywhere near the  dedicated  team operating at HRMS. john

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Hi John, RM offered to take over my computer, I replied to there e-mail that day requesting they do so and asking them how we go about it, what do I have to do? I haven't had a reply so I haven't got as far as downloads or numbers.


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ColinE, hi, i wonder if they did not get emails. Normally, their response is very quick, giving you a download link, which when you follow throws up a ref. You email that ref back, sit at laptop, and after about 20 mins, they connect, ask for brief descrip of problem, and away you go. I feel sure, that somewhere there is a breakdown of coms. I dont email from within Railmaster, just use their normal email address.. If it was me, i would do that.  . I have had a lot of contact with HRMS, being a bear of simple brain, and cannot fault them. A dedicated bunch. john

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