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Running In


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The question of 'running in' new locomotives seems to have been raised again (in earlier thread).


Hornby do not say in the instructions that it is necessary to 'run in', but every other manufacturer states that it is essential. To be on the 'safe-side' I always put a new loco, including Hornby,  on the rolling road for an hour (30 minutes forward, 30 minutes reverse at medium speed).  Some like the Heljan Metropolitan Bo-Bo, needed over an hour before it started to run smoothly.


What do others do?

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I run mine in on the layout and turn them round too as well as running them in reverse.

Running in on a rolling road is fine, but it won't tell you if the motion etc. catches on something when it's going round curves. Check whether or not the gears need oil or grease or neither.

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