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resetting after loco shorting at wrongly set point

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Can anyone help?  In the past when a loco has tried to cross a point which was set the wrong way the system shorted and a box came up which allowed me to start things up again. Now when such a short happens the resetting box does not appear and the only way I can get locos and points to work again is to shut everything down and restart the whole system. Is the non-appearance of the resetting box mean that the programme has become corrupted in some way?

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The deduction I make, based purely on what you have written is that you're using the Railmaster eLink combination as your controller. If you are. There have been other posts on this forum with regard to 'short circuit' warning box on screen issues. Might be worth searching the forum for them and checking them out.


If you do have an eLink, then this issue started being reported with the release of the RailMaster 1.63 update, possibly even the 1.62 update. Can't quite remember the details.

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although the short circuit protection works as it should, would it not be better to make sure the points are set correctly in the first place to avoid potential shorts, as you may find that one day the circuit protection could fail, then where would you be, and a replacement would not be covered by the warranty, something to think over,

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Just out of interest, how does a point set incorrectly result in a short?  

I have noticed that if I have a point set incorrectly, my loco just moves the point to the correct position and carries on it's way.

I only use the Hornby points.

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Hi Robert, here is the instruction email that I got from Hornby RailMaster Support a few days ago regarding sorting this problem.

This should work for you. If not contact HRMS from within RM.


Dear RailMaster user

To try and resolve this can you edit the RailMaster.ini file by clicking on the small cog icon on the lower left of the About/Help screen. 

If you cannot see the cog then download and install the latest RailMaster from www.powerpos.com/rail-master/rm_setup.exe.

When you have clicked on the cog, acknowledge the warning message and ensure the lines "Check controller=1" and "Alternative comms=1" are present in the file. 

If they are not just add them to the bottom and save the RailMaster.ini settings, then restart RailMaster.

You should also ensure that the BAUD rate for your eLink is set to 115200 in both RailMaster's settings and in the Windows Device Manager under Ports(LPT & Com). 

You should also try to ensure that Windows has set a Com port below 5 as per the instructions in the RailMaster PDF guide.

Regards RailMaster Support

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