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TTS Sound question:


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I have seen several videos on Youtube (some even posted by Hornby), of various steam locos with "TTS Sound". Is it ME, or does it seem the "chuffing" sound is NEVER in sync with the rotation of the drivers? In some cases, I can only hear ONE chuff per revolution.....on a THREE-CYLINDER engine! Am I right, doesn't a three-cylinder 'chuff' like SIX times per driver rotation? On all of my 'American' sound-equipped locos, there are CV's you can adjust to 'fine-tune' the steam-exhaust (chuffing) to the driver rotation. Does the TTS system allow this also? It seems odd to see 'Cock 'o the North' roll at a slow creep, and chuff ONCE or twice in about twenty scale feet!! Am I the only one to notice these things??

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I commented on that, months ago, when the Duke of Gloucester TTS was released. (Which is why I only have the one TTS!)

You may also find, if you are watching the wheels as you slowly increase speed, that all of a sudden the chuffs go from one per rev to about 55! Mine does, anyway!

For me, TTS is ok for dismals, but not for steam outline.

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when you have a loco travelling at a scale speed of 60mph, try counting the wheel rotations, i agree at slow speeds the sync is out, but at the end of the day it is a budget sound decoder to resemble the sounds of a loco not to replicate them exactly,

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Fireman's breakfast anyone? Particularly as loud as the loco at speed!


Compared to a Loksound well there is no comparison except for the price. Then with the loco cruising I really don't care which is which except for the price.


Oh, did I mention price? For what you pay you shouldn't expect too much but for me I couldn't afford sound any other way.

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The topic is well covered above, in the past and as you say on You Tube.


TTS Sound is a budget cost sound system, it can never compete with Loksound.


I have just put a comment about TTS Sound on the following thread... 


The 2016 Hornby Range Launch! - Page 13 - 9:29 - 2 Dec 2015




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The MyLocoSound steam decoder is at the "cheap" end of the market, but at least they have tried to provide chuff-rate synchronisation. I've never been able to get it exactly right however. There is also a CV for the speed at which the chuffs start, but altering that intferes with the chuff rate, so it becomes very complicated. I gave up in the end.


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