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Dirty wheels


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If it's really bad you may need to use a scraper to start with.  Try and use something which won't scratch the wheel such as a wooden lolly stick or cocktail stick.  Once the heavier deposits have been removed you can use a cloth moistened with methylated spirits or, preferably, IPA (Isopropyl alcohol).  Cotton buds are handy too.

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 I have a wheel cleaning device with brass bristles that applies power to the driving wheels and turns them to remove deposits of gunge. It sits on the track and picks up power from there. Doesn't work for locos with traction tyres or locos with split pick-ups but being brass is not likely to scratch wheel treads.

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I use the methylated spirits or sergical spirits like Rog, I put paper towel over the track drop some sergical spirits over each rail and place one of the loco bogies on top of paper towel the other on the rails for the pick up, hold loco as it is running slowly.  That works for me.

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