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Now the morons know that if they post their annoying rubbish on the forum after hours on a Friday that it will not be removed until Monday.


Other than 24 hour forum monitoring what are the prevention options?


Perhaps a check in the system that automatically deletes repeated posts?


No registration permitted outside business hours?


You may have the answer, let's hear from you, because this can't be allowed to continue.


Just like graffiti if you remove it quickly then it becomes less attractive to the morons.

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i've made numerous suggestions in the past which would be so simple to be introduced to keep this rubbish to a minimum,

1. account verification,

2.when a post gets reported the account is immediately suspended automatically wether or not it is after hours,

3.have several moderators that can remove or suspend accounts,

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Dynax is right in his suggestion for account verification as it should stop the majority of these typpes of attacks.


Most businesses have this method, an account is opened and the user gets an email to click to verify it is their email. It stops the BOTS from trawling any site that doesn't have verification, forums are common targets.


They should surely have a filter in place to check word formats that are not acceptable or not words! These should be at all stages not just forum subject submission?



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As someone who runs a very large forum elsewhere (well over 70k members - nothing to do with trains), this happens to most of us from time to time. It's almost invariably just an automated script - often not working properly (usually intended to spam the forum with links to their content, but it's amazing how often they're not set up correctly and end up just spamming the place with garbage). There are things that one can do to make it harder for these characters, but they still slip through from time to time. I've had to fight off more than a few of these things myself in the past.

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As posted in another reply on this forum..

Being a moderator on two other forums (Both Model railway) I can say that the only sure way of trying to stop spammers is to patrol the forum posts continually.  Both of the forums I moderate on need a manual accept by a moderator to allow a new user to log in and before this we use two independent forum anti spam IP address checking web sites to ensure there is no 'history' with the ip address being used.  In addition there are simple questions to answer when applying for a log on, that in most cases only a human with some railway/train knowledge would understand.  Typical example would be "Who is the builder the GWR?"   But none of these can prevent a determined attacker gaining access!  

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