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Non stop locos

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What's going on here?

Train running around loop.

  1. Throttle slider moved down to zero - train keeps going at same speed.
  2. Stop button pressed - train keeps going at same speed.
  3. All stop button pressed - train keeps going at same speed.
  4. Shut down RailMaster - train keeps going at same speed.
  5. Cut power to elink - train stops instantly.
  6. Turn on power to elink - train stays stationary.
  7. Throttle slider moved up - train moves off.
  8. Throttle slider moved down to zero - train keeps going at same speed.
  9. Stop button pressed - train keeps going at same speed.
  10. All stop button pressed - this time train stops instantly.
  11. Steps 7 to 10 repeat and repeat.

2 of 6 locos are affected in this way.

Buttons and sliders on monitor activate as though they are functioning but they aren't.

Any ideas anyone?

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Hi RDS, I've even tried that old chestnut.

Hi Ray, yes set to scale speeds, all six locos but only two affected.

I've also reset the decoder to 003 and back again with no change.

I was thinking decoder issue but one is DCC Concepts and the other is Gaugemaster.

I haven't tried switching the decoder from a working loco, I'll try that tomorrow if no-one can give me a better idea.

This has only started since putting RM onto the new PC last night.


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To access cv29 options in RM put the loco on the Prog track, read the CVs using the i icon, then click in cv29 value, either double click or right click then brings up a tick list of options. Make the DCC only change and write this to the decoder using the pencil icon. Job done.

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Hi RDS, I've even tried that old chestnut.

Hi Ray, yes set to scale speeds, all six locos but only two affected.

I've also reset the decoder to 003 and back again with no change.

I was thinking decoder issue but one is DCC Concepts and the other is Gaugemaster.

I haven't tried switching the decoder from a working loco, I'll try that tomorrow if no-one can give me a better idea.

This has only started since putting RM onto the new PC last night.


Maybe try switching off "Scale Speeds" just to see if it makes any difference. There must be an item of your setup on the new pc which is different to that on the old pc, which is causing this. Are you able to compare the .INI file from the old pc with that on the new one?


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Can't see how it can be RM related given some locos are working ok.  However, that assumes RM itself is working properly.  Therefore I would start by going right through the HRMS post in the Hornby Railmaster thread to ensure that.


And yes, I'd subtract 4 from the value of CV29 (read value, write new value 4 less to the CV, noting that if the value is already less than 4, DC running is already turned off) to turn off DC running to ensure it is not a DC Runaway situation. 

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Thanks to all for your responses while I was asleep.

I think the issue is in CV29 but how to fix it is the dilemma.


I access loco CV settings:-

The "Allow DC operation" box is checked.

I uncheck it, write to loco, exit loco CV settings then hit green tick to exit loco list.

If I re-enter the loco list, then the CV settings I find the "Allow DC operation" box is checked again.


Similarly in the CV settings list:-

CV 29 has a value of 20.

I change that to 16 and write it to the loco, exit loco CV settings then hit green tick to exit loco list.

If I re-enter the loco list, then the CV settings I find that the CV29 value has reverted back to 20.

Loco placed on main track still performs badly.

Regardless whether it is set forward or reverse, fast or slow, whatever that initial start up speed / direction that is what is maintained.

Turning off Scale speeds had no effect.


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Norman, did we log into your PC remotely and confirm that all stop commands were being sent to your locos?

If that is the case then it is neither a communications problem between your PC and eLink (although there is a slim possibility).

Have you tried running a loco which won't stop normally on a dedicated piece of track connected to the TRACK output of your eLink just to rule out the rest of your layout?

Sometimes, something else on a layout (locos or accessory decoders) can affect the operation of other things like locos or accessory decoders).  Try this control test and see what happens.

If it still doesn't work then things are pointing to your loco decoders.


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I uncheck it, write to loco, exit loco CV settings then hit green tick to exit loco list.

When you write the new instruction to CV29 do you get as series of clicks from the Elite followed by the new value showing in the right-hand field in amongst some other numbers? And when you save do you see the progress bar as RM updates the roster? Just a thought. R-

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As you write the new value to cv29 or any other cv RM will verify the action and the value will turn green in the table confirming the change has been made.

It seems to me it this is not happening the Elite Prog output may be duff. If you have an eLink as well then you could swap it for the elite and prove the point.

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As you write the new value to cv29 or any other cv RM will verify the action and the value will turn green in the table confirming the change has been made.

It seems to me it this is not happening the Elite Prog output may be duff. If you have an eLink as well then you could swap it for the elite and prove the point.

By the way I'm using elink.

Value did turn green and was confirmed.

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You did log into my PC last week, but that was my previous PC which you advised was too slow and should be replaced.

I bought a new Win 10 installed PC on Friday and had some initial problems which were mainly my fault and were sorted out with help from the forum.

This latest issue with 2 out of 6 locos refusing to follow commands has only occurred since switching RM to the new PC.

I did as you suggested with a dedicated piece of track and the same problems occurred.

I then switched the decoders from locos that were performing normally.

The previously faulty locos performed normally and the previously normally performing locos had the problems.

I initially thought that loco decoders may be the problem but also thought that since they were fairly new, different brands and both failing at the same time as relocating RM to my new PC was just too many coincidences.

One was bought from DCC Concepts in mid October and the other from Hattons in March.

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Sorry Norman

I saw Rog talking Elite and wrongly assumed from there on.

it seems odd RM is confirming the change but re-reading the decoder apparently nothing has changed.

does RM correctly ID the decoder in CV 7 & 8 by type and manufacturer?

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Back to HRMS then Norman if all appears to be well apart from the re-read.

a simple check you could do is after disabling DC ops in cv29 apply a 9v battery to the upturned wheels of the affected loco . If it runs then DC is still enabled , if not then the cv change worked regardless of the re-read.

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Hi Ray

Yes, I mentioned that it had no effect in a previous post.

Sorry Norman - I missed that. However, in your second post on this thread, you said "This has only started since putting RM onto the new PC last night.". Why is everyone talking about loco CV values, when all that has changed is moving RM onto a new pc. Were you able to compare the .INI files on both pc's? Maybe copy, via your USB drive, the .INI file from the old pc, and see if that makes a difference.


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