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Speed discrepancy - Railmaster onscreen vs Elite dial.

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I have the current version of Railmaster connecting (sometimes) to an Elite controller with the latest firmware. Strangely using Railmaster to control a couple of trains they run significantly faster than using the Elite throttle. The Elite settings are set to feedback to Railmaster. An indicated 10mph shunt speed set using the RM single arrow is probably rather faster than that but using the Elite throttle it is quite slow and it is possible to slow to a scale walking pace - an indicated 3mph. Using RM it is not possible to run that slowly - 3mph is still significantly faster and below that it slows to a halt. 

I have switched to using an Elite rather than my eLink as I can test locos without requiring my PC but also because I like the idea of having the option of using a physical throttle with RM but I do expect to get the same response as from the RM sliders.

Any thought welcome.



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Alan, are your locos set up in RM from the specific loco in the RM database, and have you ticked to use scale speeds?


And just a note that Elite knows nothing about speed as such, only about speed steps.  Unless you have set up a particular starting volts and speed profile, it simply goes from 0 volts to loco motor at speed step 0 up to full DCC volts at the top speed step (step 27 or 127 depending).

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I posted a reply (or so I thought) Wednedsay evening but it seems to have vanished into the ether.

I have used the full range of the slider - as you will see I did mention an indicated 3mph.

The CVs controlling max and mid speeds have been adjusted.

The trains are not Hornby and therefore not in the database.

I have tried swtching off scale speeds and then the feedback does seem to correspond more closely to RM control settings.

I have adjusted the RM speeds downwards using the stopwatch with guestimates of how long a circuit might take.

RM obviously translates scale speeds into speedsteps to issue commands. Logically is should translate speedsteps from the Elite feedback into scale speeds but doesn't.

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