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Dcc problems


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Evening all

Had my first set when I was 10ish now 46.  Lol don't laugh but I haven't had any trains from the age of 12 , with one thing and another moving house ,leaving home etc... I've now got my own kids and we went to a model exhibition a few years ago ,

The kids said they'd love a train set at home so me and the boss got them a little DC set but i decided that maybe we should future proof it a little bit as I'd been reading about DCC so I purchased the majestic over a year ago. I thought about putting it in the loft and after spending days boarding it out somebody said don't do it in there too hot or too cold and the track will warp. So now upto date I've made a layout in the shed that got electric lights sockets and insulated. 

This is is where I'm at 

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Welcome to the forums Scott.  Let us know if it is all up and running ok or, if not, let us know what your problems are.  There are many here who can help.


If you have general problems like setting up layouts, post questions in this General forum.  If you have problems about the eLink hardware or decoders or such, post them in the DCC forum.  And if you have problems relating to the setup and operation of Railmaster (RM), post them in the RM forum.


And a hint, don't use the blue Quote button to reply, use the big text box at the bottom of the page and the green Reply button, as I have just done.  This way you don't unnecessarily repeat other people's posts in a yellow box, or end up with your replies also in those boxes where they are hard to find.

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Welcome to the forum Keith.

First of all, you not NEED droppers on a DCC layout but most people, myself now included, have them to minimise the chances of a problem.  I used to operate my entire layout of 4 concentric loops, 28 sets of points and 12 sidings in the middle, all from a single track connector, without any problem.

The way I have read your post is that you are using the same track for both DC and DCC, albeit operating in one or the other mode at once.  The track connector for DC is different to the one for DCC, in that the DC version has a small capacitor across the contacts.  This can be removed for DCC operation.  I say 'can' be rather than 'must' be removed because in some instances, a DCC layout will work with it in place, in other cases it will not.

If only the Class 47 diesel has a problem on DCC, it does seem like there may be a fault with that Loco.  It may be worthwhile just connecting the Class 47 to a short piece of track, connected to your DCC controller (e-link I assume) and testing it on its own.  After that it is a check of connections to the wheels, clean wheels and clean track.

Good Luck, let us know how you get on.

Hopefully, Adam will move this thread to the DCC section.

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As I posted a couple of days ago, my 47 sounds like a coffee grinder chewing on rocks, whenever it is running.

There is nothing obviously wrong, and I've had the lid off so many times, I just need to wave my hand over it, and the shell jumps off, ready! (Minor exaggeration!)


Also - the 'sliding' extending coupling tends to jam if there's a zig-zag in the track, such as two sets of points in a cross-over, resulting in the rolling stock derailing. I've yet to find a cure for that, so the loco spends most of it's time parked in the mpd.


edited to add a comment

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2e0, apologies for being critical, but you as an experienced forum user should know better than to try hijacking someone's thread to post your own different problem?  Start your own.


Getting back to Scott, have RDS's suggestions solved your problem?

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1. Let's start with the peppercorn reassembled great working all ok works at shunting speed all the way round track and at max speed let's try backwards no motion !!   so I turned the chip around and hey presto backwards motion but no forwards motion HELP

2.class 47 well I changed the id no.s  and seem to be a lot better so I don't know if it was a error with it but seems so much better now. Althought have to agree sounds awful around bends.


so please help with 1. 

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