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Acrylic satin varnish

Paul Allan Farish

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 I've found a product which is intended for de-waxing floors, It's a very strong detergent, and it removes enamel and acrylic paint without damaging plastic. I once dipped a complete 109-G that I had built as a teen in a bowl of the stuff, and it removed all the paint, the decals, and even the cellulose tube glue that I had used to build it with, leaving just the clean parts. I didn't see any damage to the canopy. I also use it to clean my brushes.

In this case you might want to experiment on a piece of clear sprue first, and perhaps brush it on with a small brush with the model fixed upside down so it doesn't drip down the paintwork.


I don't think the brand (Action Floor Cleaner) is available in the UK, but there could be a similar product - DIY stores might have something similar. For obvious reasons, be very careful when handling it - it'll take your skin off, if you're not careful, and that's not counting what the wife will do if you get it on the dining table!

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If it's acrylic paint you can dampen/moisten some cotton wool or kitchen towel in surgical (note surgical) spirit and wipe it off. Take care however since it can reduce the clarity of clear parts. I guess it could be buffed back with one of those buffing sticks that I have recently bought and are quite good. Surgical spirit can be bought over the counter from chemists.


Also I have found a new product stocked by my welcome model shop, Revell paint remover (not Painta Clean). That is good too. Moisten cotton wool or kitchen towel and do the same again. I don't know how it will affect clear parts but it does clean off paint from the grey kind beautifully.

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That's strange vimal_indrasoma - I have never had that happen myself. If anything I've only ever found it could 'cloud' transparencies and, if used repeatedly on the same area, can cause plastic to become brittle. Other than that, no, I've never had any problems.


Nonethless it should be taken as a hint of caution.

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