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Rail Master deactiving software


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As far as I can recall the Evaluation Edition is only available for 90 days from when you first download the software.

It could be that your 90 days have passed and you can therefore no longer access the Evaluation Edition.

The name sort of says it all, it is there to let potential users get a feel for the software, not to give them free on-going access to a limited version.

I believe you usually get an on-screen message telling you to activate the software after the 90 day period.

By itself that message should tell you that the software has been de-activated.


I don't mean to be picky but this question should really have been in the RailMaster Forum.

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Wordie, as you've probably found, the activation code shows in the Help screen along with a button to de-activate.  On de-activation, it certainly does revert to evaluation mode and the activation code should no longer show, instead a place to activate by entering the code.  And if the 90 days is up, the software won't open, you get a screen to enter a code to activate and, failing activation, the software simply shuts down.

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