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Programming Loco


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I have had oil lamps fitted to my loco. They are programmed to work with function button F0. This button should switch them on and off. I have read the manual and changed the macro to read P2~F2 but it still does not work. The lights come on for 3/4 secs and then go off. Has anyone got a solution to this problem.

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You didn't say, but are you using RailMaster to turn your lights on and off. It sounds like you are because you mention macro P2~F2 this is a RailMaster feature


In RailMaster to make the Function button lock on. On the Function button label you MUST have the words "on/off" included in the label name. So for example the button label will look something like:





Without the "on/off" entry the Function, whatever it is will run just once and reset, like a horn or whistle blast for example. In the 'locomotive settings' window you can easily edit the Function button name to add the "on/off" text (don't include the " ").


Also, delete the P2~F2 macro. You have just copied this example macro from the manual without fully understanding its use. The P2 means "Pause for 2 secs" the F2 means "Send the F2 command". You have used this as part of the F0 button configuration.


So lets say F2 on your loco is a whistle. Everytime you turn your lights on using the F0 Function button, 2 seconds later the whistle will sound (if you had a sound equipped loco). Obviously I don't know what Function your particular loco has F2 allocated to, it may not have any. But if it does have an operable F2 Function, then you have linked it to your F0 button using the P2~F2 macro. This macro is not needed.

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