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Handheld internet access

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I've recently purchased railmaster and am looking at setting this up with an android table.  I can see that internet access is required for the intital setup of the application, but can you confirm if this is required for every subsequent use of the application?

In addition to this, what is the solution in place should the company providing the handheld app cease trading.  Will all handheld licences cease to function?


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I'm surprised nobody has commented on this AM which leads me to suspect I might be wrong but I use my Railmaster in my garage and it doesn't have an internet connection in there! So to the original question I would say that the answer is 'NO', once RM is set up you can use it subsequently without a connection. Obviously it will not 'upgrade'.

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Just did a test. Disconnected ADSL modem from internet. Kept wifi service running. Opened Railmaster on PC, opened bookmark on Android tablet to connect to Railmaster. Working fine, PC reflects changes made on tablet and vice versa.

Sorry can't answer handheld licence issues.

Hope this helps and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This depends on your handheld IMHO.

For an iOS device (iPad/iPhone), the app requires an internet connection as it is not an "app" per se, it's just a mobile website that connects to your RailMaster server.

The Android app is different, in that it actually downloads to your device and runs without internet connectivity (but still requires local LAN access to your RailMaster server IP address.

Not sure about Palm or WindowsCE. Who even uses these anymore? Didn't they go out in the nineties?

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