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Flashing Loco Address


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I have a problem in which when I put the loco on the track after a couple of seconds the loco address starts flashing. The loco wont move. I have tried swopping the loco address and the same happens. I am using a Select unit and the loco is a Hornby Virgin Pendolino which has a decoder in either end for the directional lighting. I have looked at the Handbook and quickly in these forums with no luck. Anyone know what the problem is? Other trains work fine. Thanks!!

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Given your other locos work, it would seem to be a problem with this train.  


First, what happens if you only put the power car on the track without the dummy car.  Is the problem still there.  If so, now see what happens with just the dummy car?


If that didn't find it, I suggest you try swapping decoders between your locos and see if the fault follows the decoder.  First, just swap the one in the power car, not the dummy car too.  If the fault has moved with the decoder, that is the faulty one.  If it is the same, swap the original decoder back into the power car and now do a swap between dummy car and the other loco.  Has the fault moved to the other decoder now?


If nothing has made the fault move and the Pendolino is still at fault, then look carefully over the rest of the train for possible shorts.  And how new is it?  Return for repair under warranty may be an option.

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Do you have the select connected to an elite?

Re-type the number and press the button marked select. slowly turn the dial. Check that the screen is not flashing OL (overload) or ES (emergency stop) 

As always with an error on an electronic device, turn off, wait 15 seconds, turn back on. 

hope this helps,


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Thanks to everyone for their advice. I tried all what Fishmanoz said without real result. Then a brainwave hit me. When I changed its loco address I changed it from 02 to 03. So more to try something than anything else, I changed its address to 10. The train worked perfectly!! I went trying other addresses and it turns out that 02 and 03 do not work. I will follow Rog's advice and reset my select.


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Well done Amos!  That's not the first time there have been decoders that won't operate on particular addresses.  Doesn't seem to be any logic to it but happens anyway.


Will be interesting to know if the Select reset changes anything too.


And I'm assuming you were just trying 03 as a test?  It's always best not to leave any loco on that address so it's available without conflict to try out your next new loco.

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