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Airfix Hurricane I starter set


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This one is going to be my Xmas model this year - some photos will come along but Photobucket is playing up at present.


I've not built this kit yet (in spite of having three of them) but the fact that this kit has decals for the Science Museum example has influenced my choice - although I do have some slightly different plans for it!


More to follow!

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First, obligatory sprue shot, which will be delayed no doubt until the mods have enjoyed their Xmas Pudding and Mead (And well deserved looking after us all!)



Now, as I'll be usingsome acrylics on this kit, first step is a soapy bath to remove any greasy release agent. Not something I always do, but did on this one.

Then I'll be painting it on the sprue, as this is the best way to so it - only joking, of course it's not (at least for me) but I will be priming the internals first.

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Some priming for the internal painting. Some parts have been left on the frames, others separated. In general, I'll separate parts before painting, but in some cases, the attachment points are on surfaces that would need sanding before assembly anyway, so it makes sense just to prime them on the frame.


These modern Airfix kits have very tight tolerances in assembly, so always make sure you do a dry fit and adjust as needed, especially on the internals. Note the instrument panel and frame has been removed - this has small attachment points on the frame whcih need careful removal. This means it's better to paint it after taking it off the frame. I superglued a rod onto the back to provide a painting handle (Thanks Drewe!). This part won't be seen on the finished kit, so can be snipped off once painted.


Another point re these new Airfix kits is that some of the parts are very fine, and have a tendency to break if roughly handled, so take care. The sharp eyed will note a small break on the frame beneath the panel.


Primer if Tamiya Surface Primer in an aerosol can.http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb209/Davef68/Hurricane%20I/HurriI_2_zpslhqltbhh.jpg

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