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Railmaster/Elink problems

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Hi yes it is in the track connection and not program track 


ok can you explain what step I am missing please and guide me through it as far as I am concerned I have followed it all


eith regards to this firmware a few post jo I posted about that I am unable to install the latest firmware as I get a iosxception error on open post popping up so it won't let me install the .exe firmware 

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followed all the steps again letting windows install the latest drivers


a pop up appears on the side saying


the latest usb Device connected malfunctioned and windows does not recognise it


i tried doing what the person said above lowering it to 57200 and trying to install that .Elink105.exe still saying error in open port

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ok so little update


came home from work and borrowed a friends laptop which runs on windows 7 inserted the Elink to the usb port on his laptop and drivers downloaded and installed straight away installed railmaster opened it up and it auomatically updated the elink drivers to version 1.07 (or along those lines) changed the port to match the port in device manager the little elite icon turned green and the trains moved hurray


tried it again on my windows 10 pc and still wont connect  so at least i know it works lol


i think what i am going to do is when the layout track is all finally laid down etc i will just buy a cheap laptop with windows 7 installed and use that my the railmaster only as i need a laptop anyway so the problem does seem to be a problem with windows 10 my end for soem strange reason as it more or less worked out the box with his laptop so looks liek a cheap laptop is on the to buy list to get this working when the layout track is finally all put down


thank you all though

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Lb, despite the dedicated laptop running 7 or less version of Windows, it is most, I repeat most, unlikely that it won't also work on your new PC.  


At at the risk of repeating the repeating of myself, email HRMS from within the Help window of RM and report back to us on how quickly and simply they fixed it for you.  There is no reason whatsoever to be reluctant about doing this.  As the Nike people say, Just Do It.


PS.  The 1.07 mentioned by Lb at the top of this page is the eLink firmware version 1.07 installation.

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I am using a Win7 tablet with my Elite, but also find my Win10 laptop and Win10 tablet also work fine.

Because I have a problem with my Elite, and have sent it to Hornby for fixing, I have reinstated my Elink, which also works well with my WIn7 tablet.

I tried out my Win10 laptop and tablet with the Elite, and they also work fine. 

So I can't see Windows10 itself being the problem, and computers being computers, some sneaky thingy is causing the problem.

Should my Win7 tablet fail, the Linx type 10.1" Win10 tablet will make a great substitute.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

As a newcomer to model railway and indeed dcc i purchased the Western Master set with elink/railmaster. I,m looking to eventually build up my set using Hornby's track extensions, my question is can one elink control and power all the tracks/points ect or do in need to somehow send more power to the other tracks? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Apologies in advance if i have posted in the wrong topic. Regards Darren.
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An eLink unit with its supplied power supply will have no problem running five or six modern locos simultaneously whilst also switching the odd point here and there and powering a few LED colour light signals.

If you want to control more locos then purchase the 4amp power supply to replace your existing 1amp supply.  This will allow you to run 15-20 locos and so on.  It is only where you have a much larger layout with lots of points switching and locos running that you may need a power booster.  What is actually cheaper, though, is to wire you layout with two circuits, one for locos (track) and one for points and signals and use two DCC controllers, in effect doubling the available power.  RailMaster will support two controllers.

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An eLink unit with its supplied power supply will have no problem running five or six modern locos simultaneously whilst also switching the odd point here and there and powering a few LED colour light signals.

If you want to control more locos then purchase the 4amp power supply to replace your existing 1amp supply.  This will allow you to run 15-20 locos and so on.  It is only where you have a much larger layout with lots of points switching and locos running that you may need a power booster.  What is actually cheaper, though, is to wire you layout with two circuits, one for locos (track) and one for points and signals and use two DCC controllers, in effect doubling the available power.  RailMaster will support two controllers.

Thank you.

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