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Beginning To Wish I Understood RailMaster Better


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hi, happily playing trains. Screen goes blank, up comes C programme files x86 RM/ could not find file C/prog filesx86 RM / resource MDB. then nothing. Am getting a little tired of all this. Came out. went back in, started to come up, then said no locos defined, then returned to screen message as before. What is going on. john 

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Seems to be like it says John, your resource.mdb has gone missing or is corrupted such that it is unrecognisable.  How that could happen I have no idea.  Can't imagine RM would do it, or Windows without being asked.  If you've been having any other unexplained things like that, I'd be suspecting a HDD on its way out, or at least local faults on it.  Or that something nasty may have slipped past Norton and is targeting .mdb files, but most unlikely.


I'd be making a backup of everything if you aren't already doing that regularly.  And if you have already made a backup of resource.mdb, copy it back into your RM directory.

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Fishy, its all greek to me. Its a new machine, that HRMS, transferred everything over to, as they belived previous machine had prob. No virus possible, as no internet. Have no idea what mdb is or how to copy it. or how to even find it How do i find it and go about it. Remember, my disabled hands, so typimg is very hard. john

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John... and mdb file is a database file usually used by Microsoft Access or Visual Basic for example. In the case of RM it will be the latter. mdb stands for Microsoft DataBase.

There is no real reason as to why these types of databases corrupt... they just do. Visual Basic is an old programming language but pretty simple learn and RM is built with it so I believe.

The only guaranteed way to stop this happening is to make a scheduled backup through Windows own backup system of the RM files and in particular the .mdb file. That way you can simply load it back into place if the current one becomes corrupt like it seems here.

This is a common occurrence with database files so don't be surprised by what I say. It is not common enough though to cause alarm among users of RM. Though if you do have a large set of instructions etc. to repeat from scratch then a backup is essential.

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You're getting the hang of this John - first action on striking a problem, update to the latest version.  


But as HRMS said in your other thread, just updating does not overwrite or delete your own data files, including resource.mdb containing all your locos, any track plans you made and gave your own names to, or any programs you've written (I know you don't write programs, I'm just covering everything).  As AC said, it's most likely corrupted such that it can't be recognised, all my other possibilities are much less likely.  So the only way to get it back is to copy it from somewhere else that you have made  a copy.


If you have it on your old machine, whether the same as what you've lost or at least a recent one, copy it from there in its RM directory onto a USB drive, then copy it from the USB drive into your new computer's RM directory.  Now you will be up and running, apart from possibly any new locos you added since you were operating on your old machine and you'll have to re-enter them.


And for insurance against future such problems, make sure you make regular backups.  Doing this simply is one of the features in Pro by the way.  Pro is a lot more than just talking to locos.


PS.  This is most definitely not a new snag by the way, it isn't dependent in any way on the version of RM you are running.

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Fishy, thanks, if this is definately not a new snag, can you advise, where it has been posted before. As for backups, i do understand what they are, but also thought there was a log in RM, that HRMS, were able to see, which would show  up things like this. I will endeavour, hands permitting, to find the file on my old laptop, and copy it to new one For me, it was natural to assume that by updating, anything missing/ wrong would be corrected. Again, unfortunately, not  so. john

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If you are sure you did not inadvertently delete the resource.mdb file (which stores your locos) and you are sure that there is no virus on your computer and that RailMaster did not warn you that the locos database is corrupted on start-up then it may be that you have set up loco groups and there are no locos to list for the currently selected group.

If this is the case then just select "All" from the list of groups at the top right of the main RailMaster screen above where the loco controllers would be shown.  If no pull-down list is visible then you have no loco groups set up.

You can still copy the resource.mdb file from your old PC if you haven't deleted RailMaster from that.

When we copied your old RailMaster data for you from your old PC and put them onto your new one we noted that all was present and correct.  The resource.mdb has clearly been deleted in the mean time.


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HRMS, many thanks, will have a look. Its so irritating, as the new machine has virtually, nothing on it, and does not get linked to internet. I still have them set up on old machine, so can extract file. I assumed, following the  problem message that the update would put back that particular file. Just shows what assuming does. You are quite correct that everything was there. I was running quite happily, when loco stopped on track, and this message appeared. Difficult to explain to my lady wife, who   had somewhat unwillingly donated her new machine,  in an attempt to allow me to use RM, or in her words, anything that stops you continually moaning, is a small price to pay, that, once again, in her eyes, we are no further forward. john

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Hi John, Happy New Year.............further to my previous suggestion I think it would be worthwhile if you could use Windows explorer to see if you still have the RESOURCE.BAK file...........it is here.....c: > Program Files>Railmaster, open then scroll down to RESOURCE.BAK then rename this to RESOURCE.MDB.......You may have to restart RM for this to take effect.........good luck.   HB.

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Thanks guys, it had not occured to me that i needed to back it up, cos for almost 2 years, it ran ok. To be in the middle of running 3 locos, for them to stop, and the message about c prog files, came as a bolt out of the blue. How could it not find the file when it was using it.  I have certainly lost all locos, but my layout, plus all track plans, progs ect, still remain, and i do have them on my old french machine. Far worse than any of this , is the domestic flack, why did i bother to give you my new machine, if it still wont run your silly trains, or words to that effect, for which, i have little defence. Thank the lord, for my Elite, and if i ever find out how to enter the sound functions, it wont be so bad. I only really use RM, for sound/ CV/ points, as my hands dont like the mouse movements. john 

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So the advice is unsurprisingly the same on your other thread as here and I have just posted specifics of where to find the file on the old machine and where to put it in the new.


Yes, all your track plans are still there, you can see them all in the C:Program files (X86)Railmaster directory with the names you gave them and the file extension .PLN. You will also find backups of them there, same file names but the extension .BAK.  As HB has suggested, in amongst all of those .BAK files, there may even be one called resource.bak.  If so, to be able to use it, right click on it, select Rename and just change the BAK part to MDB instead.  Press enter once you've changed it and confirm it is now listed correctly as resource.mdb (note it matters not whether upper or lower case).  Now restart RM and see if you have some locos.  


If so, you are fixed and back up and running.  Not only that, you can tell the wife her clever new computer had thoughtfully kept you are copy so you have all your locos back. If not, say nothing and follow the instructions in the other thread to get a copy from your old machine.

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given the state of your hands (and mine with duputrens contracture) I reluctantly throw in that you upgrade to PRO to get voice control, which coupled with Win 10's wonderful Cortana speaking assistant the pair of which could relieve you of a lot of mousing grief - some of the time at least, when they work as advertised.


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Raf 96, good try,  remember i am not a windows 10 man, nor filthy rich to afford PRO, and that accepts the long term possibility of it working. If you remember the last time i took forum advice, and updated to 1.63, version 2. i had no RM, for weeks. Now, through no fault of my own, i loose my MDB, file, Think, AH, will take fishy and Chris advice, and this my solve my loss of file, only to end up losing my locos.      if only i had never upgraded, i would have RM, on my french machine, my wife would still have hers, my locos would still be there, and my domestic situation, would not daily have the words I WISH TO GOD I HAD NEVER HEARD OF COMPUTER CONTROLLED TRAINS, following me from the kitchen, every time i go upstairs. Will i get them back. Will i ever be allowed the time to quiety look into  it. Motto, never marry a redhead. john

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John, upgrading had nothing, I repeat nothing, to do with your losing your locos.  And by the way, you need to upgrade again to Revision 3.


Remember the advice from Chris and I, if you have a problem, first download and update again and see if that fixes it.  Upgrading doesn't touch your own data files, including your resource.mdb file.  It doesn't delete it, corrupt it or do anything else to it.  You know that anyway, it was still there after the upgrade and change of computer was done, it only disappeared later while you were playing trains.  So upgrade won't have any affect on your problem.


Have your tried looking for a resource.bak and changing its name to resource.mdb as I suggested above by the way?  It will only work though if you haven't reopened RM since you first had the problem.  If that's the not the case and you have reopened it, you have to get your real resource.mdb from your old computer.

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"yelrow" It is clear that you are having extreme difficulty in dealing with the locos database situation.  If you email us on Monday we will try to log in to your PC and see if we can resurrect your locos database from a backup, or we may even have a copy of it on our own system from when we copied all your data from your old PC to your new one for you.

We may even find out why the database was apparently mysteriously deleted (definitely not by RailMaster).

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