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Elite sound functions


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greetings, in view of my lost locos in RM, protem, i would like to  use elite for sounds, but dont want to have to keep installing them. Can i load like RM, so that they are always there. If so, how. In words of one syllabol, thanks. john

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Hi John

I now see what you are trying to do.  

I don't have any sound Loco's but I use my Elite to be able to switch Loco Coach or Cab lights on or off.  This is the only way to use functions on the Elite.  Whenever you have a Loco under the control of your Elite, that has functions, you just press the function button followed by any number representing the function 0-9.  If you require Functions 10-19, just press the Function button once more to enable the buttons 0-9 to represent Functions 10-19 and so on to get Functions 20-29.  To return to either no functions or one of the earlier set, just keep pressing the Function button until the selection you require is displayed.  (I am guessing you may have already known all that).

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John, the sounds are loaded in the loco decoder, so they are always there whether you use RM or Elite to make them play. They are just a 'Function Number' like any other function.


From your RM 'Loco Settings' page (currently lost to you if you still haven't recovered your resources.mdb file) or from the original loco instruction sheet (assuming a TTS loco as I know you have some of those). Create a list of which function numbers relate to which sounds.


For example, this list extract below (not all Functions listed in this reply) was taken from the Duke of Gloucester TTS model instruction sheet:


F1 to turn sound on

F2 Long Whistle

F3 Couple Clank



F14 Guard’s Whistle

F15 Slam Doors




Using the above only as an example (you will need to substitute your own Function button numbers from your loco instruction sheet.):


On the Elite (firmware version 1.41 or higher required).


Press the Elite ‘Function’ button. The Elite display should show F0 to F9, now press the Elite '1' button. This will turn the sound on within the loco.


Whilst F0 to F9 is still showing in the Elite LCD display, pressing the ‘2’ button will sound the ‘Long Whistle’ and pressing ‘3’ will sound the ‘Couple Clank’.


Note: by default, pressing the number button once will ‘lock’ the function on. You have to press it again to reset it back off.


So pressing ‘1’ once turns the sound ‘on’ and locks it on.


Pressing the ‘2’ button, sounds the ‘Long Whistle’ once, then you need to press the ‘2’ button again to reset the function, so you can play it again at a later time.


Now for the F14 & F15 Functions.


Press the Elite ‘Function’ button again and the display will change to F10 to F19


Now ‘Pressing the ‘4’ button will sound the ‘Guard’s Whistle’ remembering to press ‘4’ again after the whistle has sounded to reset the sound function.


Pressing ‘5’ starts the ‘Slam Doors’ sounds, pressing ‘5’ again stops the ‘Slam Doors’.


Note: you do not have the press the '1' button followed by either the '4' or '5' button. Because the display is already showing F10 to F19 the Elite knows to include the '1' in front of the number you press.


If you want to play the F2 Long Whistle sound again. You will need to press the Elite ‘Function’ button as many times as it takes for F0 to F9 appear in the Elite LCD display again (pressing the Function button repeatedly scrolls through all 28 of the Function numbers, including a fourth Function page where Functions do not appear in the display at all), then ‘press the ‘2’ button again, remembering these need to be pressed once to play the sound and again to reset the sound.


To turn loco sound OFF, make sure F0 to F9 is in the display, then press the  ‘1’ button.


The above is the ‘in principle’ description of using the Elite to play loco sounds.


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... does that mean if i have functions set up on RM, the elite will know ...


Hi John, The first paragraph from chrissaf covers your point.  

You cannot, and do not need to anyway, preload anything into Elite.  

It is all in the individual Loco decoder(s).

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Chrissaf, gee thanks. Its so simple, when properly explained. RDS thanks also. You can both see i am lost without me locos, that make frying noises. Have never bothered to experiment with Elite, cos RM, on screen, so much simpler. Will print out chrisses epilogue, and take up into the cold. I still have not recovered my mdb file, as only 4 degrees up there, and have feeling, it will take some time. Have to find it in french, laptop, put on dongle, then put back in new machine. Will look in  dusty bin first, to see if  deleated. Its a mystery, my comments, not my lady wifes, who is not quite so  backward, in wishing she had never heard of the darn thing. john

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I have got an anti frost heater, that is supposed to keep it at 7 degrees. Problem is, its over the garage, and cold drifts up, even with floorboards, tin sheets, and a carpet. Takes about an hour to be become habitable, by which time, my lady wife, wishes my company. cant understand why, particularly, at the moment.  My problem is, i dont read, not cant, just dont, and RM, on screen, was easier to follow than Elite manual. Looks like i am going to have to bite the reding bullet. Stupid thing is, that given the price of Elite, as opposed to RM, its pretty obvious, that its a very capable piece of kit. john

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Once you have used the Elite for functions a few times, you won't need the manual.  (I work on the basis of - if all else fails, read instructions)

Interesting about cold rising.  Is that a French thing because Heat normally rises and Cold falls.

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RDS, its summat to do with concrete floor of garage. We had a similar problem in scotland when we lived over a frozen food shop. Big empty hollow space..cold and draught seems to find a way .  peut etre il est pour francais et Ecosse. jean

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... None left down here ...


Ha Ha.  Yes, I have sampled the heat of Australia twice in February/March 2001 and February/March 2005, including a drive through the Outback from Adelaide to Alice Springs in 2001 and I know exactly what you mean.  The steps up to the Opera House in Sydney were nice and warm as well.

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In addition as explained in the TTS manuals:

On the Elite if you hold a function button down for a few seconds it turns it from a toggle (on/off) methodology to a momentary (push to make) methodology, but only for that go.

So if you push and hold a normally on/off sound such as fireman's breakfast or diesel Thrash, then it will play only for as long as you hold it down. Release the button and it turns off.

In RM of course you don't have to worry about double push this or that as their program code takes care of it for you.

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