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Railmaster Activation Code

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top dog, hi, yes if you are really, really stuck, HRMS, can remotely log in and sort..  I would in the first place, email them, on support@rail-master.com,  asking for help. they more times than not, can sort with email. If they cant, they will tell you how to proceed. If you look back on thr forum, however , i think you will find previous posts on this, to help. john

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Have you just got it or have you used it before.

When I got mine NEW Icould not get it to work I was told that I had allready used it I had not Hornby surgested it was used it still had the film on it in the end Hornby had fix it there end.

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The previous posts on this tell you to contact HRMS by email as John has said.


The previous posts will also usually say the best way to contact HRMS is from the email facility in the Help screen of RM.  But I'm betting that won't work either, because I'm also betting that, despite everything you've done with your AV, some element of it is still there and blocking you. That turns out to be why in at least 99% of cases.  


But do contact HRMS and they'll make arrangements to log into you machine to fix it for you.  Then watch and report back to us what they did.


You'll also find a very recent thread where this was done and HRMS themselves have reported what they needed to do.s. The thread is called Railmaster activation and IE11.  It wasn't IE11 at all, it was AV blocking.

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If Norton was on the machine you may have to go to the Norton site and download a tool they specifically wrote to completely uninstall their software as residue files are left behind that WILL interfere with other programs like RM.

Second point... you say you uninstalled Norton AND McAfee? You shouldn't have TWO antivirus programs on any system at the same time. They will conflict with each other and cause plenty of problems.


For Norton, go find that tool for the version you have and even if the program has been removed by yourself prior this will find all extraneoous files and remove this program fully whereas a normal uninstall will not.

Once done try RM again...

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Click for Norton Removal Tool


As AC says, one should never install more than one AV product at a time. So if you do genuinely have both McAfee and Norton Security installed, then that is a 'can of worms' already opened. Not only that, but those two products individually are the two worst AV products you can have that are known to interact adversely with RM Activation.

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  • 3 months later...

I am having exactly the same problem and did contact Hornby Support who came back with very precise instructions. I did eveything they said and it still won't work.

I am using Windows 7 on a pretty powerful iMac via Parallels. The downloaded emulation versions works perfectly.

I submitted my order for the full version with a nil result.

As I live in Australia, do I have to do everything upside down!!!!!!

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Welcome to the forums GW.  You should have no problem with instructions from me being upside down either.


Two things tell me your problem is AV blocking you.  First, that you followed the HRMS instructions and they didn't work.  Second, your failed order for the full version.


You have slightly confused with those 2 things too.  If you have downloaded the latest version of the software from the link at the top of the forum, you already have the "full" version, all you need is the activation code to unlock its full capability.  So it seems to me your 2 problems are part of the same thing.


Anyway, your best solution is to contact HRMS again, from the email in the Help screen of RM and they will sort it out for you, logging into your machine if necessary.


PS.  Just checking that you have been right through all of the steps in the top sticky thread in this forum - RM: Setting Up and Getting Started.

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Gadwall: if you are running RailMaster within a Parallels virtual machine on a Mac nine times out of then the problem is with the Parallels settings themselves.  Search on this forum and you will find a point-by-point guide tht shows you which settings to make in Parallels to allow Windows to communicate with the outside world.  Please note that we do not officially support RailMaster running on a Mac through Parallels although many customers do this with complete success.

In 99.999% of cases when we come across an issue where RailMaster could not activate it is due to antivirus/firewall software blocking the program.  Even when a customer has apparently tried everything we have instructed them to do and we do then log in remotely, we find that the exception hasn't been added correctly or a second AV package is running, or the prinicipal AV package has been disabled but RailMaster has not been added to Windows' own firewall and so on.

With McAfee some customers forget to turn NetGuard off in the exception so fo course the package still blocks RailMaster.  It is important to follo all instructions in the Internet Security PDF guide we wrote (www.powerpos.com/rail-master/security_en.pdf) to the letter.

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