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R8247 Programming Difficulties

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I am running a DCC system over the e-link with Railmaster.  I am trying to activate the surface and under track point motors with the R8247.  I have read the instructions in RM and a number of the helpful posts online here.  I have ensured that I have the R8247 attached to a programing track and fitted to the elink by the "Prog" input/output.  However, when I try to programme the R8247 I have the following prompt: No response was received from the Accessory Decoder module.  Please ensure that it is connected to the programming track output and try again and where necessary, that separate power is supplied to the unit.


So I have read that you might have to put some of the track power into a factory new R8247 and I have power the unit up for a couple of minutes, but this hasn't worked.  I have been on the R8247 4-port decoder drop down menu in the Accessory Modules button of the main screen for the decoder programming window.  I have tried with the R8247 attached directly to the elink programming output and via a programming track (without additional separate power).  Where am I going wrong?


Many thanks

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In this recent post HRMS stated that they have done some work recently to make R8247 CV reading & programming more reliable. This means that there is a high probability that if you download the very latest RM installer from the link located at the top of the Railmaster section of this forum (dated 23rd Dec) and install it over the top of your current version (no need to uninstall the existing one first) that your problem will be resolved.


PS - the URL quoted in the HRMS post, is the same one as at the top of the RM forum section. Moral of the story for others, check through previous posts first, you are probably not the first to have the same problem. Either that, or read the forum on a regular basis.


PPS - this only seems to be an eLink issue, I have not seen this issue reported before with anybody using Elite. Once again, eLink seems to be the weak link in the chain, pun intended.


Final EDIT: If in doubt, when encountering a new issue. Always download the very latest version first, and test for issue again, before posting your RM related query. It may have been fixed. Thats what the 'download link' is there for.

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It was a good comment you made....that is why I thought it was worth re-enforcing the idea in my 'Final EDIT' text. Perhaps the same comment should be made at every available opportunity, then maybe it might sink in.

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