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RM 1.63 revision 4

Guest Chrissaf

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Not at this time. Hovering the cursor over the 1.63 box in Railmaster displays the 'Revision 4' pop-up. But the 'releasenotes.txt' document has not been updated, as somewhat expected.

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I think we know revisions don't result in additional entries in Release Notes.  Last time, HRMS enlightened us here, so maybe they'll do so again?


What we do know is that every RM user should do a download and install from the link.  That includes you John.


And me personally, looks like I need to spend some time solving my RM laptop BSOD problem so I can use it and do the download.

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I just installed v1.63 Rev 4 and 2 of my snags are still evident:

1. No feedback from Elite into large second controller.

2. Large second controller finction button labels still corrupt (F-nos).

The large first controller function button overwrite problem seems to be fine now - i.e. when say a diesel with many function buttons is swapped for a non function loco the buttons refresh properly to show blank buttons, so well done HRMS for knocking that one on the head.

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WD, only major update are done as an 'auto'. That is going from 1.62 to 1.63 to 1.64


Maintenance updates going from 1.63 revision 2 to revison 3 to revision 4 are left up to you to decide whether you want them or not, and do manually if you do. Of course you can just ignore them if you have no current issues and just wait for the 1.64 auto update.


Mind you based upon previous evidence. It is the major updates that invariably cause the bulk of the issues, followed by a flurry of revision updates to fix them. With, of course, the revision updates having to be done manually anyway.


Take your choice as to what update policy you want to adopt, auto or manual.

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Good reply from Chrissaf


Following on, the fact that some do not download and install the maintenance updates (Revisions) and wait and do the main ones, this doesn't help HRMS. If the maintenance ones are downloaded the person downloading them and HRMS know they are OK or know there are minor issues and they can be dealt with before the next update. If a person only downloads the major downloads the issue could be for the main download but it could also be something in a maintenance one. 


Maybe the solution for those unsure is, don't download any update immediately, but always download them don't just wait for the main ones. You will be helping yourself and also helping HRMS. 


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The trick is to manually download & install the very last maintenance revision just prior to a major update, Then ignore (dismiss) the next offered 'auto' update, well at least for a couple of weeks. Let somebody else be the guinea pigs to find the bugs.


Selfish I know, but this policy works for me......one of the reasons I monitor the RM download file on a daily basis looking for changes.


EDIT: just to clarify my update policy. Each time I see a new download file appear. I save it to disk but don't install it. When a major auto update appears, I dismiss it and install the last previously downloaded and saved file. That way I am never far behind the most recent version, but hopefully using the version that is most stable and debugged.

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Just downloaded this latest update for my pal and wish I hadnt. We now get a box telling us that we have a short circuit on controller A or a problem with usb cable - tick when cleared. Considering that all the points have been set normally by Railmaster during the start up and we have trains running this cannot be so and anyway all was well earlier before the update. The tick box cannot be cleared so what is going on? Any ideas folks?

Happy New Year all by the way as this is my first post this year!


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Just downloaded this latest update for my pal and wish I hadnt. We now get a box telling us that we have a short circuit on controller A or a problem with usb cable - tick when cleared. Considering that all the points have been set normally by Railmaster during the start up and we have trains running this cannot be so and anyway all was well earlier before the update. The tick box cannot be cleared so what is going on? Any ideas folks?

Happy New Year all by the way as this is my first post this year!


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Thanks for your replies fellas pointing me in the right direction. I only see my pal about once per week so wont be able to sort it yet but in meantime will try to follow through using my own Railmaster set up. I am on Windows 10 so will take a deep breath before venturing further into the unknown. I had thought it would be just a quick update like before not realising so much has happened since we last updated. Such is life!

Thanks again guys.


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