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E link prog track /software issues

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in connection with the other article raised by Stuart, I have finally managed to get the software deactivated and reinstalled rm .   Eventually got just Railmaster running, clicked on loco setting and it starts up my autocad setup!   I have looked in he installation folder and see there is a file with the .dat extension that thinks it is part of the autocad program.

now my locos seem to be reading and writing ok until I tried the new loksound decoder which produced the error messages again.

can hornby confirm for me that the esu micro loksound decoder is compatible and is able to be detected by Railmaster ?

i haven't upgraded yet to the pro version and won't do until i am confident it is going to work and it also keeps the variables down while trying to resolve this.


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..and it starts up my autocad setup!   I have looked in he installation folder and see there is a file with the .dat extension that thinks it is part of the autocad program...


Colin the answer to this one lies in your default file versus program settings in Windows. Look under Control Panel - Default Programs then you see:

Set your default programs

Associate a file type or protocol with a program

Change Autoplay settings

Set program access and computer defaults.

Have a rummage in the top two... 

This is where you specify that such and such an application will always open this type of file. If you look under .dat file extensions in the list in the second header you should see AutoCad listed as the 'owner'.

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There is no need at all to set any default file formats for RailMaster in Windows.

It seems that you are using Windows Explorer to go into the RailMaster folder and double-clicking on a file.  Why?

You can do everything from within RailMaster.  There is nothing in the RailMaster PDF guide that says you have to open files from Windows Explorer.

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in connection with the other article raised by Stuart, I have finally managed to get the software deactivated and reinstalled RM


Colin, did that statement have anything to do with the Firewall 'step by step' guide I posted there? Would be interested to know if that helped or not.

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Re: Loksound.

All my locos have Loksound decoders, either version 3.5 or version 4. In general I have no problems with them. However, in order to read the full set of Loksound CVs in the RM loco settings window I find I have to disconnect the main track output on the rear of my Elite controller, leaving just the programming track connected.


With my main track output disconnected RM recognises the Loksound and correctly identifies the manufacturer and version ID's.


With my track output connected, the same process returns a decoder not recognised error and the majority of the CVs are read as 255. This would normally indicate poor connectivity between controller and loco. But all I have to do to resolve issue is remove my track output, leaving the loco sitting on the programming track untouched.


If HRMS is reading this, I have reported this issue more than once through the inbuilt help system and despite messages from you saying it should now be fixed, it isn't. Not too perturbed as I have a 'work around' and it is not like programming locos is a daily occurrence. But it would be nice to see fixed if at all possible. As I stated, I only have Loksound decoders, so cannot comment on whether this happens with other brands.


PS - To be fair, I should add that as my locos are all now set up. The last time I needed to read loco Loksound CVs was August 2015 (my last loco purchase). So haven't checked out any RM releases for CV reading improvement since that date.

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We are unable to resolve through the software issues with reading loco decoders which do not always work when your track layout is connected.  This is not something that can be resolved through RailMaster and we are not sure where we would have said we could fix this when it would be technically impossible to do so.  Perhaps you didn't provide the full details.

Bear in mind that our team are responsible for the RailMaster software only, however we can offer a thought.

If you are having problems reading your loco decoders when your layout is connected to the TRACK output of your Elite and you do not have problems when you disconnect your layout (which we would recommend in any event) this must suggest that the Elite is being adversely affected by your layout.

Since the same PCB in the Elite is responsible for the TRACK and PROG outputs and powered through the same power supply then it suggests that something from your layout is affecting the power distribution within the Elite.  Perhaps you have many charging accessory decoders, light signals or locos on the track that are very subtly overloading the Elite without actually causing a short circuit, thus not leaving enough power to read and write locos on the programming track.

In any event, we would always advise that a layout is not connected to any DCC controller (let alone an Elite) when it is being used to program locos on the PROG output.  A simple switch connected the TRACK output wire can ensure this without having to plug in and unplug every time you want to program a loco.


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HRMS, as an ex electronics engineer. I had already reached the conclusion myself that it would be unlikely to be something that could be fixed in RM software. If it is fixable, it would have to be through controller firmware.


Just for your information. Load on the track output is minimal. Only have three R8247s and a total of 7 x Loksound locos (six locos if you assume that one is on the programming track piece), all of which are stationary with sound off when attempting to use the programming track. Layout is relatively small occupying a board 2.4 x 1.9 metres. Don't use DCC supply for any other functions i.e lights or signals etc as these are on dedicated separately powered circuits and control systems.


Programming track has wires directly soldered to rails, so no power clip contact issues, cable between controller and programming track 1 metre in length. Trying hard to keep electrical programming connection as short and as electrically clean as is feasible.


PS - Have a quick release arrangement for the track connection. As previously stated have got into the routine of disconnecting track when undertaking programming activites. Disconnecting track is the first bit of advice I give others on the forum with similar CV reading issues. The fact that so many users report CV reading & writing difficulties, maybe a look at controller firmware (by whoever is responsible for it, if not yourselves) to see if any improvements can be implemented would be a useful exercise.

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...There is no need at all to set any default file formats for RailMaster in Windows....

Are you saying HRMS that if his PC is set (for whatever reason - but usually that application has grabbed owner rights during installation) to 'always open .dat files with AutoCad', that RM will bypass that option when such a file is called up by RM.


If so then I suppose its a bit like .txt files that are always opened as default by say Notepad, but when RM or any other application runs them to initialise you never see it flash up on screen. i.e. the file is 'milked' in the background.



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Since the same PCB in the Elite is responsible for the TRACK and PROG outputs and powered through the same power supply then it suggests that something from your layout is affecting the power distribution within the Elite.

Tracing through this in the Elite I see that the PROG and BOOST outputs from the main PIC chip BOOST connections are common until split by a relay pulled in by the PROG output from the main PIC, when the PROG output is then throttled by a pair of current limiting 51R 1W resistors, obviously why we have low programming signal output. The TRACK output appears quite seperate out of the main PIC and more tied into Railcom side. 


I don't have a booster to play with, nor a DCC sniffer, but it would be interesting to measure TRACK output from a booster and any degredation of the Elite signal due to main Track effects, when the booster is connected to the Elite in each of the several different connection methods shown in the booster manual, as if there was degredation of any kind it likely would reflect on the Elite PROG output as well and explain why we are seeing these programming problems.


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Reading all this again we seem to have sidetracked a tad.

The OP  is using an eLink, but HRMS has latched onto an Elite programming problem which Chris says he has and I perpetuated the story - sorry to have highjacked the thread by mistake.

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Hi I'm back thought I had posted a response on progress, right here I go again, I hav managed to deactivate and reinstall thanks to the advice from  Chrissaf.  Yes I did follow your step by step, also completely shut down the macafee antivirus software.   Interested to see your comments about disconnnecting the running track when trying to use the programming track, I will try this out tonight just too eliminate the possibility it may be this.    I just needed confirmation that loksound v4 decoders will be read by the software / hardware so will see later on.  I haven't reinstalled the pro version yet as I think it would be best to keep it as simple as possible.

thank again everyone for your support 

exasperated Colin.

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Its interesting Colin that in the HRMS follow up post to mine, that they have now put in print a recommendation that the track output should be disconnected when working with CVs. I think this is the first time I have seen them put this advice in black and white. It isn't mentioned in any official product manuals that I am aware of.

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 I haven't reinstalled the pro version yet as I think it would be best to keep it as simple as possible.


Pro version is already installed, all activating it with your code does is open the additional features to your access.

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Well finally got it to work, I rang up the supplier of the decoder for advice in case I thought the decoder was faulty.  He said I had to set the decoder up with a motor connected ,  all this time I had been trying to read the decoder with just the dummy HST car, I feel a real plonker, but it is as I have felt, there are no books out there which go into dcc  or rail master in depth.  Now I am trying to upgrade to the pro version using my  number.   Trouble is with this I don't know if there are zeros or o's,   

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... the track output should be disconnected when working with CVs ...

I had not seen it recommended one way or the other either but I always disconnect the track when using the programming output (on my Elite, I don't have e-link) because I always felt that was the best way to ensure that nothing else on my layout (Points or Loco's) could be adversely affected.

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Colin, in hindsight it is a pity you never mentioned that the decoder was in a dummy car. The need to have a motor attached, is a well known requirement documented previously on the forum. If it had been mentioned in your post, that would have instigated a solution reply with correct advice almost immediately.


Lesson to learn here, is the more information provided the better, even if you think it is not relevant, it very well may be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I too have have a programming track problem that I need help with please.

I run the railmaster software with an e-link contoller (I have no other form of control). Anyway at Christmas my wife bought for me a new laptop, (I was using an old desktop running windows vista). This new lap top is running windows 10, My programming track no longer seems to work anymore. Everytime I place a loco on to it I get the RM window pop up telling to make sure that I have put a loco onto the track and that the programming track is switched on, cannot read CV's etc etc, I think most of you will know which window I am talking about. This happens with every loco I have.

I've done all the usual, (cleaned the wheels/programming track, checked the wiring connections). I even have replaced the wiring between programming track and the e-link.

I am running the lastest version of Railmaser 1.63.

Have I got a windows 10 issue?

Has anyone else have or had this problem, and if yes how have you got over it?

I have trawled through the topics on this forum, and this is the nearest heading I have found, so I do apologise if I have repeated this question.

Please Help. 

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A new post has been added to the end of the locked padlocked "Railmaster: Setting Up and Getting Started" thread at the top of the RailMaster section (scroll down to the bottom of the thread). This new post addition relates to your issue**. With the release of Windows 10 a major rewrite of the controller communication part of RM was undertaken. See post referred to above for details. You have to edit your railmaster.ini file and add the two command line entries described in the post for eLink. But do make sure that you follow ALL advice given in the post, not just the .INI guidance. Including downloading a fresh RM copy.


Page 33 of your RailMaster 1.63 manual will tell you how to open and edit your .INI file - see the middle section of the manual page 33.


Note** - Most of the posts relating to this issue just have generic mention of eLink issues, rather than specifically 'programming' track. Which is probably why you have not spotted their relevance to your issue. But they are all interrelated, different eLink users have been affected in different ways.

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