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Yes it should as the track width is the same for OO and HO, however I have found that some Bachmann  OO locos don't like Hornby standard points (derailing on the frogs), though they are quite happy with express points


Tigg, hi, welcome to the forum. HO, is really just the american  version of OO.  Absolutely no problem, other than couplings, which differ. I have about 30 HO locos. All run on hornby track. john


Just be aware:

00 is 1:76 scale 4.0mm to the foot.

H0 is 1:87 scale 3.5mm to the foot.


The difference doesn't sound a lot, but put a piece of H0 rolling stock next to 00 rolling stock and you will see a significant difference. H0 is smaller. It would look distinctly odd if you had an H0 locomotive hauling a rake of 00 coaches.


As an example put a H0 adult figure next to a 00 adult figure and the H0 figure looks like an older child in comparison.....IMHO



chris, problem is they dont. My HO locos wont couple with OO coaches, so mine never looks odd. Ypu are quite right though. I have a lovely rake of lighted  ho, coaches, that i would like to put behind a TTS loco, but, simply wont ackle. john


As an example put a H0 adult figure next to a 00 adult figure and the H0 figure looks like an older child in comparison.....IMHO.


 You must know some very tall children or very short adults.





Top row pack of Noch H0 sitting figures (albeit with part of legs missing).

Bottom row pack of Bachmann 00 sitting figures.


Even taking into account the bits of missing legs. The Noch H0 figures are noticeably smaller.





Norman, photographic evidence on its way.



I have two HO scale Botchmann Pullman coaches that look just fine in consist with British OO scale coaches. I think "in real life" American coaches were usually somewhat larger than British coaches. (?) My American Pullman "Heavyweights" appear to be the same height as the Hornby ones. Since I have converted all of my stock to Kadee-type couplers, everything looks, and works fine. An American Pullman stuck in the middle of a British consist actually looks kinda "cool"......


Just be aware:

00 is 1:76 scale 4.0mm to the foot.

H0 is 1:87 scale 3.5mm to the foot.


The difference doesn't sound a lot, but put a piece of H0 rolling stock next to 00 rolling stock and you will see a significant difference. H0 is smaller. It would look distinctly odd if you had an H0 locomotive hauling a rake of 00 coaches.


As an example put a H0 adult figure next to a 00 adult figure and the H0 figure looks like an older child in comparison.....IMHO


I think a lot of the OO scale figures are actually too large to populate coaches or locomotive cabs. They look like people with thyroid problems.... if they stood up in a coach, their heads would punch through the roof!


Funny thing about American Pullman coaches in UK formations...


The Midland Railway introduced Pullman coaches, they were "flat-packed" from Pullman HQ in America, and put together over here...small American pattern cars, run by the American Pullman Car Co.


Later there was a UK subsidary of Pullman, that got Nationalised along with most of the British Railways in 1948!


Height was much smaller in the good 'ole days. (a bit like mine now 😛). If you watch newsreel of WW1 troops marching to the Front it looks kinda funny - not to forget the Bantam Battalions that they used to have I believe.


It seems that all those people from Nochland are drunk all the time - they're all legless!  😛


Hi 2e0d


You've been talking to WTD for too long - that's the sort of remark he would make.


Sympathise with BulleidBoy and me, we've got to put up with WTD on Sunday, at the Eastleigh show !!



They're lucky, they've only got me to put up with, I've got both of them.  Luckily I visit my 92 year old mother regularly at her residential home so I'm used to spending time with the old and bewildered. 


They're lucky, they've only got me to put up with, I've got both of them.  Luckily I visit my 92 year old mother regularly at her residential home so I'm used to spending time with the old and bewildered. 

I think this is funny........isn't it?


Hi Chris thanks for the pic. but I'm not quite convinced.

There certainly appears to be a significant size difference between the two groups, however, we're assuming firstly that these are true to scale models when in fact one or both may not be true to scale.

If we take an average male of around 1.8m tall with a shoulder width of around 500mm we get the following differences which to me would not be that noticeable in true HO/OO scales.

1.8m / 87 = 20.69mm, 1.8m / 76 = 23.68mm, a difference of 2.99mm.

500mm / 87 = 5.75mm, 500mm / 76 = 6.58mm, a difference 0.83mm.

That's not what I see in your example particularly when you look at head sizes and shoulder widths (0.83mm).

Perhaps if you had used standing model examples your argument may have had a leg to stand on, but alas…………………..


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