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Accessory address offset

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Hi, I have a very strange problem. 

It has been over a year since I operated by partially built layout.

I took the covers off yesterday, updated my Elite to 1.42 and installed RM1.64 on a new computer running Win10 Pro 64 bit and re-activated it. I then upgraded okay to the Pro version using my old key.

The locos and accessories appear to work perfectly using the Elite. 

I loaded my old loco database and layout , that I had backed up, into RM.

RM seems to run okay and communicates with the Elite. The locos, including sounds, appear to respond correctly to commands. 

The problem is with my accessories ; points, semaphore signal, coloured light signals and a Heljan turntable. 

When I click an item the one with an address that is three less operates!!

Click point 12 and 9 operates

Click signal 144 and 141 operates

Click Road 228 and the turntable moves to Road 225.

This minus 3 is consistant across all my points, etc.  I have 4 X 4 port Tawcraft point decoders with only ports 9,10,11,12,13,14,29,30,31,32,41 and 44 installed so far.

I have tried uninstalling a point and re-addressing it. I even started a new plan with just one point. RM still operates the point with an address that is 3 less.

As I said, all the accessories work perfectly using the Elite. 

Has anyone else seen this problem before? I could not find any mention on the forum.

Am I missing something basic?


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This is an extremely common and well documented issue. As a result of performing the Elite firmware update, your Elite has been put into 'Classic' mode. This can be confirmed when the Elite is powered up as the word 'Classic' will appear briefly in the LCD display. In 'Classic' mode there is an offset of 3 in the Accessory Decoder addressing.


You need to put the Elite back into its normal 'Standard' mode. See the Elite 1.41 manual page 67 to see how to do this.

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Thank you both.


You were of course right, Chrissaf, changing the Elite mode solved the problem. 


When one makes several changes at the same time (Elite firmware, new computer, new operating system and RM upgrade), it is difficult to determine which action is the culprit. 


Time now to clean the track and extend the layout. 



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All credit to you P.J.D, It was the clarity of the way you described your problem that was the clincher....there was no area of doubt that the solution to your issue was nailed first time.


A lesson for all to note....don't be scared to provide too much information. A vague question will get a vague response.

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