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New Major Version

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Looking at the powerpos.com download file it still has the same file properties [reported size 69,721,882 bytes and version] as the file posted for download on 1st Feb 2016


If you have installed this 'new' version. Then please post the contents of the "release notes.txt" file located in C:Program files(x86)Railmaster.

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In my personal open and honest opinion - I think RM is getting to the stage where it is losing its way both with fixing the plethora of known problems and introducing new features that are not yet supported by hardware (LD and associated signalling)...

... and are we now saying that the customer is expected to pay to pick up the pieces by paying for a 'major revision', which in my opinion is just ongoing fixes necessary to put right things reported long ago and still not working correctly.


I hope the reported 'pay to update' flag is a genuine error and that HRMS will be on here forthwith to point out the error and reassure their loyal customers that support will continue at no cost until there is a genuine major update with additonal features worthy of cost and not just fixing current stuff that is broke..

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Well I'm running RailMaster 1.64 Pro and having just started it now I didn't get any message about a major new version, so I suspect it was just Ancient Mariner's PC or copy of RM playing up a bit.

Anyway sounds like HRMS didn't take any money, so no harm done...

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Do you mean in life, Roger, for early or late coffee or typos? lol 😉


I must admit that when a spell checker is sought more now than ever before and my mornings remain a mystery as I am a natural night owl I begin to wonder what other wonderful life changing effects are waiting just around that slightly darker corner... like leaving a fridge door open after making a cuppa... good job we bought one that beeps offensively if this does happen as it does every couple of days!


Aaahhh, life... 😇

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