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More than 6 dcc functions in loco setup


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Point of clarification;

Do you mean display more than 6 DCC functions on the small RailMaster locomotive throttle.


You can't, the small Throttle only displays the 6 functions that you put a tick in the check box on the "Locomotive Settings" page.


To see more than 6 functions you have to open the large throttle where you initially can see the 6 you have ticked plus 2 more (8 in total). You then click the middle bottom of the throttle to open the throttle to see all the configured functions. The function button window then becomes scrollable if there are more functions configured than can fit on the throttle display.


If you truly mean 'set-up' more than 6 functions, then you do this in the "Locomotive Settings" window. The 'steam train' icon on the top row.

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Hi Chrissaf..thanks for the reply. When I want to add more functions to the loco, ie lights on/off, I go to locomotive setup, then to DCC FUNCTIONS on the righthand side. This only allows 6 functions. In the past I have added more but I cannot remember how I did it.

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RailMaster supports more than 20 functions, only 6 of them will appear listed in the small throttle. These will be the 6 that you choose by putting a tick in the check box. As I said before, the large throttle will display all the functions you choose to configure in the locomotive Settings window (the one you have just decribed) whether ticked or not. The 6 ticked ones will occupy the first six function button positions. The other non-ticked configured functions will occupy button 7 and above in the large throttle.

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