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Sound / Function buttons changing colour incorrectly

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Just got our first new TTS loco!!! All very exciting. The boy managed to encounter some weird behaviour with RM which doesn't stop things from working but can confuse the UI - I'm wondering if anyone else has discovered this behaviour before I log another issue.


So, if we have the large throttle displayed and toggle sound on (F1) the corresponding function button / sound button goes green (as you would expect). If we then press door slam (F7) the sound starts BUT if whilst this sound is being played (and the F7 button is greyed out to indicate this sound is being played) we press F1 again to toggle sound the button colour changes back to white / grey BUT the engine sound continues to play. 


This now means that the engine sound is playing but the button on RM doesn't indicate this because it is white / grey and not green. If we select F1 again the button goes green but the sound then stops. Now obviously I can sort this out by restarting or by pressing F1, then F7 and then F1 quickly again to get it back in sync but it shouldn't really happen should it! I assume that  because the door slam sound is being played RM can't process the sound off command at the same time but the button has been clicked so the buttons colour status does change in the software but the off sound command isn't issued to the elink (or by the elink)!


So I think changes are required to only change the button back colour if the command is issued to or by the elink or changes are requried to prevent the user from the pressing the F1 button whilst another sound is being played!


Any thoughts - or can anyone else reproduce this problem?





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It is very easy to confuse RM by pressing function buttons too quickly in succession And get the display and the loco out of synch.


what you describe is common and reported long ago but still apparent.


it would do no harm to report it again.


RM looks after single play functions by effectively pressing the button twice in the software so you don't have to select then deselect any such function as you would have to do if say you had a Select slaved to an Elite working RM.


for toggled (on/off) functions you have to press on (green) then off (not green).


in the meantime when you select a play through sound just let it finish before pressing some other function. And running them from a program also allow adequate play through time before the next action.

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Thanks for the response!


At least it isn't just me. I'll log the issue but alas I've logged a few recently and I'm getting a feeling from these forums that there are lots of little issues with RM.


It's a shame as we have lots of fun with RM but in our few weeks of use we have experiences which stop the enjoyment and require some sort of workaround.

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Definitely frustrating at times Adam.


As you have an Elite you may like to download Rocrail (free) and have a play with that for a change and to compare how they have done things versus how RM does them. There are a few Elite peculiar settings in Rocrail, but it's essentially RM with the bugs ironed out and  no voice control.

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Thanks RAF - but alas we have an eLink. Although, I was thinking that we were able to get digital control for £100 which included a 0-6-0 loco and some track and the handheld licence so two of us can play - so considering that an alternative DCC control system would cost about £300 for the same functionality I shouldn't complain or expect too much.


I think there are a few little bugs that if resolved would make the experience far better.

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Its just a fact of life that RailMaster is not 'bullet proof'. RAF96 has given a fair description of the issues with function buttons and workarounds. The synchronicity of the function buttons and their operation have had issues for some considerable time. It also seems that when one issue gets fixed, it is replaced by another. RM reliability is an ever moving target to aim at.

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Thanks RAF - but alas we have an eLink.


I have reread your OP several time and someone has deleted the word Elite which was previously there in bold red print flashing at 5 Hz.

What did I say on that other thred - read what is actually writ not what you definitely thought was writ.

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