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A Bit Of Competition For RailMaster

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It is amazing how many companies bring something out, they think their system is special and the only one like it, 'we do it different' comes to mind.  But in no time at all another company accelerates past them.


It is early days for them but... Watch this space I think.


The question may be, in a falling market, and both companies have had hard times, is there enough customers out there. Admitted if you can get customers using your system it increases your customer base and helps future sales.


Time will tell. 🤑

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I have got a little disheartened with RM so much so I have bought a NCE power cab and found another program which is not disimilar to RM but works with the NCE.

It does the recording like RM and it seems to be a bit more precise but at the minute you cant edit it.

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Not trying to imply Hornby are the pioneers, however on this Hornby forum, RM tends to be the baseline against which other systems are measured.


Interesting approach from Bachmann too.  Their last innovation in Bluerail seems to have gone quiet, and this one puts them firmly back in the DCC camp.


Nothing like a little more competition in the market to keep things interesting though.  From something like JMRI which is more flexible and capable but aimed at a more tech savvie user, through to RM and now at least 2 new very similar offerings, both with better graphics.


I'm reminded of back in pre-Windows days when there were a number DOS utilities offerings, all designed to allow you to avoid using complicated DOS commands to manipulate files.  They all did the same thing but looked different and a journo suggested which one you used was a religious decision, not based on logic.  May well be the case here too.  Especially if you consider the heat that was in the BD/LD threads a couple of months back.

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Hornby need to be doing more than taking note on this one, as mentioned previously, and in suggestions for future RM updates, the current screen was not designed for everything that is included now. I have been saying the loco boxes and icons are to big for two years, they reduce the layout area big time, but either HRMS do not see this as important or are to busy on other things.


Although they are doing a good job, what is clear is their priorities are not our priorities, signals being a prime example.


HRMS it would be nice to have a constructive response to these items, issues and in particular the suggestions, please. (See also Desirable Features for Future RailMaster updates)

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I'm reminded of back in pre-Windows days when there were a number DOS utilities offerings, all designed to allow you to avoid using complicated DOS commands to manipulate files.  They all did the same thing but looked different and a journo suggested which one you used was a religious decision, not based on logic.  May well be the case here too.  Especially if you consider the heat that was in the BD/LD threads a couple of months back.


Blimey... memories.  MS-Dos and PC-Dos fighting foor the market!


I cannot however see how a religious decision made a person choose one or the other! 🤔


What heat? What is BD and LD? Memory gone must be an age thing.


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 We will be discussing ZX Spectrum next 😢

I had the 48K version, then I got a Mac Performa 400 with a 40Mb (not GB) HDD. You had to swap floppies all the time as there only room to load a few at once.

Now even at my age I have more memory than that old thing.

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 Hi RAF96


5.25" floppys or the modern 3.5" ones LOL


I started with a Tandy TRS-80 green screen computer!


Then the specrum(s). Saving on a tape recorder, it sounded like a snorkel gone wrong.


Then the first BBC Micro of which I purchased a second processor to make it do more and faster hehehehehehe


Forgot to mention and also the Atari... some brilliant games on that.  ;o)


I also have more memory than the first computers but also more grey hairs. Sorry silver hairs.

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I started late - IBM clone, twin floppy drive, only 5 1/4 in those says. Upgraded it with a new hi tech 30Mb RLL HDD I installed myself (non RLL were only 20Mb.  The RLLs proved unreliable and you could reconfigure them back to standard 20Mb when they failed and get a longer life out of them).

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Back on track...

Hornby now need to get LD out ASAP to give them an edge and a solid reason for people to chose Railmaster over Bachmann's offering.  if they wait too much longer we'll have Bachman offering their own version of LD and Hornby will be behind the game instead of out front

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 They also need to improve the screen layout as discussed in Desirable Features for Future RM software and elsewhere.


They also need to finalise the last few niggles with Train-Tech  'Signals'


I think they need to get out of the way all outstanding issues and then move on.


The longer they take to fix issues the more bad feedback they get, any new comer to the forum reading about long standing issues or repeated issues that are not solved could be put off from buying RailMaster.

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