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A Bit Of Competition For RailMaster

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Hornby now need to get LD out ASAP .....

Only if it's ready. R-

Roger, I was taking that as a given. I think we can all agree, the only thing worse than not releasing a product is releasing a buggy product...

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I have got a little disheartened with RM so much so I have bought a NCE power cab and found another program which is not disimilar to RM but works with the NCE.

It does the recording like RM and it seems to be a bit more precise but at the minute you cant edit it.


I've just bought the NCE Powercab too. I'm currently rewiring my layout to have separate DCC controllers for locos and accessories. Which program are you refering too, JMRI by any chance?

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  I agree... when it is ready.


Is LD ready, I am sure HRMS would confirm they 'continue testing' it so that it works with everything else. What is everything else, signals for one  but also all the 3rd party items they have and are adding that we tend not to see uness we are adding more items to our layout design.


LD must have been mentioned by Hornby, at least 4 years ago as 'coming'. Since then we have had 'coming soon', but we are still waiting. I think when Hornby said LD was coming they did so with good intentions, they created enough to get us talking on the forum, (it worked) but they also did so with good intention, probably to see what we come up that they hadn't thought of. But, I think the biggest issue for them is they didn't take into consideration just how much work they had to do in RM to get where they are almost at today.


They have had a lot of critism, rightfully so I believe as some issues just never get finished yet they work on others items instead. signals was included in RM in October 2013, was a total fiasco, and there are still issues to this day not finalised, although to be fair the last update corrected most of them. Signals with feathers was also added October 2013 yet some manufacturers may and others don't.


Some members may argue they can launch LD without signals being finalised, I agree it possibly could, but also feel they know they will be wide open for more critism if they do not work together as they should. By now, having experienced the issues they have, it makes sense to me that they make sure everything is working that is in RM now before launching LD, and when they do launch LD they should be sure it will work with everything that is in LD now. Hence 'They continue to test LD'.


So we have had LD is 'coming', we have had LD is 'coming soon' will we get LD is 'nearly ready', LD is 'due anytime', LD is... I think they have chosen to say nothing, learning from past experience. So we just have to wait and hope they have everything fixed and working then launch LD which has been tested for 'years' so should be working. Subject of course to a few teething problems being a new system.

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I have got a little disheartened with RM so much so I have bought a NCE power cab and found another program which is not disimilar to RM but works with the NCE.

It does the recording like RM and it seems to be a bit more precise but at the minute you cant edit it.


I've just bought the NCE Powercab too. I'm currently rewiring my layout to have separate DCC controllers for locos and accessories. Which program are you refering too, JMRI by any chance?


Another member moved to NCE, I wonder how many started on the forum and don't bother with it now, I wonder if they have changed to another system also?


Hopefully Hornby/HRMS will see the warning signs, people are happy to wait (for a period).


A bit of competition is good, I must admit I am keeping my options open and building my latest layout with IRJ's forming blocks so that if I move away thhings will be easier to adjust. I am however listening carefully here and other forums to what people have to say.


Thank you for sharing what you are doing, it will be interesting to hear more, comparisons, advantages/disadvantages. Hornby should be happy for us to talk of these things on here, it will no doubt help them see why people are moving away, it should make them think and hopefully pull their socks up where they have failed in the past.


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I have got a little disheartened with RM so much so I have bought a NCE power cab and found another program which is not disimilar to RM but works with the NCE.

It does the recording like RM and it seems to be a bit more precise but at the minute you cant edit it.


Which program are you refering too, JMRI by any chance?


Sounds more like Big Bear that was written specifically for the NCE and has a RM look and feel to it. Big Bear has a recording non-editable programming function as the OP described.


Note: BB is a software controller only. It has no CV reading capabilities.Unlike RM.

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I've just bought the NCE Powercab too. I'm currently rewiring my layout to have separate DCC controllers for locos and accessories. Which program are you refering too, JMRI by any chance?


Hi TWD, putting a new DCC Bus in and separating loco's from accessories should be reasonably easy to do.


I am just building a new layout, from scratch, I have just installed a new DCC Bus, but have included track droppers and accessories on the same DCC Bus.


I am however adding IRJ's to separate Blocks in case I move away, I think, having ready your post, I will add a secondary DCC Bus and separate track and accessory power. Station and street lighting, cars and burger bar are already all on a separate system. Forward thinking and all options open I am thinking.


Thanks for confirming what you are doing, I look forward to hearing more about the NCE Powercab and whether it is JMRI you are using. Are you on another forum with PM's?  I think Hornby are missing out not having this facility in their forum!


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PJ just be aware, TWD was quoting an earlier Mr Beef post. It is Mr Beef (Steve I think) that has dumped RM in favour of an alternative SW package.

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Hosh asked on the previous page when LD was first announced. The earliest reference I can find is a thread from July 2011 titled Add A Loco Dectection Sensor To Your Layout (or something similar) where Hugg first noted that in Design Mode you could add a sensor. In the thread, there is a post by HCC saying it wasn't operational yet as the hardware wasn't available.  They also noted you would need the Hornby hardware and loco tags to make it work.  Do a forum search on detection and you'll find all the early and later threads.


The first real detail we got, apart from the lis of sensor setup commands, with latest now in the 2nd top sticky locked thread, was in the DCC Supplement in the May 2014 magazine.


So coming up on 5 years ago now.  Doesn't time fly when .............

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5 years is a 'very long time'


Plus up to 2 years of 'coming soon'


We can say lots I guess, but Hornby/HRMS cannot get away from the fact this is a long time to 'string people along'


Who is to blame I wonder, in times like this, with situations like this, I reckon it is the old excuss that may be used, the person who no longer works with us told us to say so. 😳


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 Although I am a newcomer in the field of "digital driving" and as a starter rather happy with RM (except for the absence of the now rather infamous LD), I have been wondering if any of you have experience with one of the many systems here on the continent. For instance the Fleischmann multimouse, for many here the first exposure to digital driving. At around € 75 attractive, but RM offers for little more money so much more. Then of course Fleischmann's next system up, the Z21, at around € 360. Much more expensive but still no track programming. Then at the high end Marklin with its Central Station (€ 750) or ESU EcoS (€ 630) for direct current systems. Serious money. And then we have here in the Netherlands a system called Dinamo with which you can run digital and analogue at the same time on the same track (€ 300). Seems to beat EcoS, certainly in value for money. Just curious.

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I have got a little disheartened with RM so much so I have bought a NCE power cab and found another program which is not disimilar to RM but works with the NCE.

It does the recording like RM and it seems to be a bit more precise but at the minute you cant edit it.


I've just bought the NCE Powercab too. I'm currently rewiring my layout to have separate DCC controllers for locos and accessories. Which program are you refering too, JMRI by any chance?

Its called Big Bear Rail controller by Moore St TMD. You can download a limited trial program and then if happy with it you can purchase several full editions depending how many locos you have. You will need the USB interface to go with your powercab.

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PJ just be aware, TWD was quoting an earlier Mr Beef post. It is Mr Beef (Steve I think) that has dumped RM in favour of an alternative SW package.

Hi Crissaf

Yes it is Steve, I am not dumping it yet just keeping my options open. Also had a look at JMRI but I like the automatic running for the grandkids to watch and using JMRI, I think I would have to go to quite a bit of expense to have that option.

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Just to make my situation clear. I still have RM and E-Link. I also purchased an Elite which I found was easier to control the locos. I bought the Powercab at an Ex a couple of weeks ago (in a weak moment) after playing with one on a stand and listening to other users. The benefits for me is the ability to walk round the layout whilst controlling locos one handed. However, I do still have the RM / E-Link / Elite kit as I like to control my accessories by "seeing" them on the screen. I have too many points and signals to remember all the DCC addresses so a graphical representation with the ability to click on them works better for me. But of course the NCE doesn't work with RM, hence my earlier question to Mr. Beef.


I'm not ready to drop my Hornby kit any time soon as I can see other advantages of keeping RM including the ability to read and edit several CVs at a time and indeed save the output to a printer - do other software programs  do this?


As I said previously, I am in the throws of rewiring to a twin bus system which will incorporate a switch to allow the track and accessory buses to run under a single controller, whatever that might be. A third DC bus purely for layout lighting is also going in. So I will have plenty of options of swapping and changing and trying various combinations to find an operations system that suits me. Just a lot of work to do in the mean time!

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 Hornby do have some positives TWD, wewouldn't be here if they didn't.


But there are quite a few negatives, mainly I think the length of time it takes to fix issues, the size of graphics on screen, and the LD saga. I am sure you and others can list a lot more.


I have two DCC Bus' and a separate lighting bus, it all helps make life easier I think. By creating Blocks from the outset by including IRJ's for every block also helps me keep all options open. It is a lot of work but it will be worth it. 😆

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 Fantastic layout Phil, a credit to you.


And to think all that hoists up sideways in your garage, brilliant, well done and thanks for sharing.


Sadly a layout in the garage in the UK is certainly not recommended, unless newly built, insulated and heated.


As for your decision on LD I totally understand your reasons, Hornby's loss I think. As the song goes... Another one bites the dust! Sadly Hornby's issues appear to me to be, taking to long to fix issues and a rediculous 5 years of LD coming, coming soon, still coming!


Someone has to take control, someone has to take responsibility.

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Hi all, I haven't been on this forum since going to a Powercab / Big Bear set up and reading the posts this morning for the first time in a while it seems that not a lot has changed. For me it was a shame that RM had a few glitches which quite often spoilt my operating sessions and after changing over I found I was able to do more modelling as I wasn't trying to get the glitches in the control system sorted. The major advantage for me with the Powercab / Big Bear set up is to be able to run multi loco programs, albeit only recordings, and still shunt a goods yard manually without commands being missed.

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 Thanks for calling back to the forum and for your comments.


I do not think Hornby realise how much trade they have lost. They have been blessed with a lot of loyal supporters but time runs on, more options are available, people become very frustrated with false promises.


I am glad you are pleased with your decision to change systems, at present I am preparing a new layout but building in Blocks in case I change direction also. My decision will no doubt be once I get the new layout built.


Thanks again Colin.

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Hi all, I haven't been on this forum since going to a Powercab / Big Bear set up and reading the posts this morning for the first time in a while it seems that not a lot has changed. For me it was a shame that RM had a few glitches which quite often spoilt my operating sessions and after changing over I found I was able to do more modelling as I wasn't trying to get the glitches in the control system sorted. The major advantage for me with the Powercab / Big Bear set up is to be able to run multi loco programs, albeit only recordings, and still shunt a goods yard manually without commands being missed.

Is it possible to edit Big Bear recorded programs, as you can with RM?


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