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Speed loss & jumpy running

70s kid

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Any ideas what can cause 40-50% loss of speed and make an 0-6-0 pannier tank engine that usedd to run round lpat great speed now at places almost stop (sometimes does stop) and the resume? I've a Mallard that is running slower also. Previously they ran fine and still do other than with max speed on the controller (Elite) they run a lot slower. i've made no change other than electrofrog express points that work a charm now I got insulated fishplates. Thanks as ever


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Hi 70s kid................I believe your layout is basically an oval and you have recently fitted electrofrog points and insulated rail joiners where appropriate.............if you only have one power feed to the track it may have been compromised by the introduction of the IRJs so you may need to run another power feed to the opposite side of the layout to balance and of course to other tracks the other side of the IRJs fed by the electrofrog points. Several experienced members here always advocate fitting a numbers of droppers around the layout from the track onto a power BUS. HB.

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It sounds like a power supply problem, rather than a loco problem as more than one loco is affected and they were all OK previously.


If the power supply voltage output is what it says on the label and there is an steady output from the Elite Track connections of about 15 Volts on the meter AC scale then it has to be the track.

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Thanks guys. I have 4 dropper connections to the bus - 2 on each oval so the insulated fishplates seem a likely runner (no pun intended) . Will put a couple more dropper connections and see if it helps. Many thanks as ever 

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Hi, I have methylated spirits somewhere so will give the track a good cleaning also as its been a work-in-progress and now only starting to become a model railway instead of a test-bed for many trial and error layout design and construction (mostly error) 

many thanks 

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