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New 2016 Catalogue for better or worse?

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Well, after complaining about the lack of a Hornby Catalogue for 2016 and traditions being broken as well as many Hornby follower's collector's list now being well ad truly shattered... I find I was given a complimentary copy of the NEW catalogue for 2016.


This is NOT the Handbook as you may suspect but a brand new publication. Its size is A5 and not as thick as the older versions but it's not too far off.


Retail is £3.00 and it starts off with a picture of an LNER steamer 3418 on its cover.


The New for 2016 range starts with Sets (Santa's Express - R1185) which is shown on page 3 (the cover is page 1) and has a TTS Class 31 no. 31239 (R3391) on page 5 which is due in September this year (The site has an updated release date of 31-07-2016 and retail of £194.99).


It details new locos to page 23 and from there coaches to page 37, wagons to page 47 then a couple of pages of Railroad stock.

While new buildings are shown up to page 56 there is a new slight on things with an Existing 2015 Range available from page 57 through 76. Thenit's down to Accessories, Spares and Power to page 112.. there it closes.


While this is not of the usual latest standard of the previous few years where loco's would be listed and have detail of what coaches or rolling stock went with it this is at least an effort to correct a plan to lose the catalogue forever.


I will not judge it here myself rather I would let you purchase it and judge it for yourselves. It does not currently appear on the Hornby site that I can find but it must be close to publication anyway.


Whichever way you look at it the publication will be readily welcomed by most... especially if Hornby do not bring back the 'standard' catalogue type.

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Ah... I see what you're doing... testing my limited knowledge... 😳

You see... it's taken a couple of days for me to get my head round this one... all these Roman numerals! Good job I understand some Latin... 😛


"Cogito ergo sum"... I am so enlightened because of this one liner...!

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