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Handhelp app functions button name problem

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I'm running an iPad with the handheld app thingy and have found if I select my TTS locomotive, as you would expect the function button names update to show the functions available. However, if I then change the loco the function button names remain as for the TTS loco and do not go back to the standard F1, F2 etc.  It just doesn't seem to update them once 'set'. 


HRMS are suggestion my wifi signal might be an issue, although everything else works well in terms of screen updates if speed changes applied via RM. can anyone else check to see if they have the same problem?





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I reported in a similar thing on the main screen large throttle. This is direct from the PC not wifi so that probably rules that idea out.


If if you had this throttle open for a loco such as TTS with a full set of functions then switched that throttle to a loco with few or no functions the throttle did not refresh correctly and you were left with the extra functions from the old loco on screen.


This problem stiill has not been fixed.

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Just thought I'd have a look at this on my set-up and, yup, same thing. The other issue I noticed is the roster refresh. Someone on here suggested a "Session" category (which reduces the loco throttles you can see next to the track plan), which I have now. When I started up RM on the iPad the roster was on the session setting - which didn't have any loco's with sound within it. So I changed the roster on the laptop to "All" but the iPad didn't update without my closing it down and starting up again. Is that a known error does anyone know? Does it need to be flagged up to HRMS? R-

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Thanks Roger. Most interesting. 


Just out out of interest I logged a problem whereby if you double click a loco to get the large throttle to load the function names don't appear. If you close it down and then double click again they do load correctly. I was was used by support that I should single click only and indeed that prevents the problem of blank names appearing. Still, it would be good for them to either prevent double clicking or if a user does then load the names correctly. 


For my original problem I will do a ping test and send the results to see if that sheds any light on it (I also have speed refesh problems on the second loco area on the iPad app whereby changing a loco the speed isnt updated but that issue whilst not fixed has been confirmed as a problem)  



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