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Digital solenoid point motor


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@ all

The Peco motors must be low resistance as well. I have a couple so could meter them tomorrow for comparison, but if low resistance means high current broadly speaking then I'm as clueless as everyone else as to why an R8247 struggles but Nicks kit doesn't on a fraction of the horsepower unless his is running higher voltage of course, kind of nitrous oxide - overclocking points decoder scenario.


The pucka voltage regulator must be looking after the PIC.

Both tests were done using my eLink with a 4A power supply, so identical power supply and identical wiring thus giving a like for like test. With all those extra capacitors I can't understand why the R8247 doesn't blow the ADS-2fx out of the water either...

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I think you are forgetting about inductance again.  You have to look at the entire tuned circuit formed by the solenoid, stray resistance, CDU capacitor and any switching components to find out exactly what voltage and current is generated.  Back to the calculus I'm afraid. Much simpler to just do the empirical thing and test which ones work and which ones don't, as has already been done here.

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