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Number of sound files to choose from

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Looking in my 1.64 version of RailMaster I found the following:


C:/Program files(x86)/Railmaster/Sounds

60 plus files  including the clock chimes. The common thing about all the files in this folder is that they don't contain any spoken words.


C:/Program files(x86)/Railmaster/Sounds/English

146 files containing spoken word files.


Total number of files more than 200, but bear in mind the 146 spoken word files actually represent a smaller number of spoken phrases as each spoken phrase includes a left channel version, a right channel version, a male spoken voice version and a female spoken voice version.


Similarly the 60 plus non spoken word files contain the same sound effect in left and right channel versions.


Hope this helps!!!

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Download the rm-setup.exe file from the link at the top of the Railmaster section of this forum. Just run the downloaded file, do not deactivate or uninstall current RM version. The installer should replace all missing files.


Note: At the time of posting this reply the downloaded file will update RM to version 1.64.0 (if not already at this version). If your current version is earlier than version 1.63 then you may need to modify your railmaster.ini file to add some additional lines. See the locked RM Setting Up Thread at the top of the RM forum section for details (last post in thread) - ignore reference to Win 10, these mods are relevant to pre Win 10 versions as well. Only do the mods if you are having controller communication issues after upgrading RM to 1.64 if your installation is already at version 1.64 then there shouldn't be any additional new communication issues arising.

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Thanks I had the latest level but did as you advised still the same. I did have to uninstall from my computor recently ,I know they were there originally so can only assuem when reinstalling to my PC it didnt do it fully.

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I have put the sound files from my own copy in a ZIP file and put them on my cloud based server with a download link posted back in this thread below. Please let me know when you have downloaded them so that I can clear them off my cloud based server service.




After clicking the link above, look for the download icon in the navigation bar to the top left hand side

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