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Bachmann LMS 10000 Runnuing lights


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My Bachmann LMS 10000 Loco runs in reverse, cab lights and running lights function correctly. Changing the direction from "Normal" to "Reverse" solved the directional problem. However the cab lights work on F1 but the running lights do not operate at all. Is there a simple solution or am I doing something wrong.

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I am assuming that in order to reverse the running direction you did that by adjusting the value of CV29. If so, you must have accidently changed the speed steps function in CV29 as well. CV29 needs to be set for 128 speed steps for 'directional lighting' to function.


If you need more guidance with regard to configuring CV29 then report back and ask here and tell us what controller you are using as configuring CV29 is controller specific.


I also assume that by the term 'Running Lights' you mean 'Directional Lighting'.

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