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RM pro


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just bought RM pro so many hours figuring how it all works, just started to grt to grips with RM so plenty of fun and of course questions for you guys, I think it's amazing how far things have progressed since my childhood


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 You will enjoy RM Pro, but do read the manual as the software can now do an amazing amount.


Guys on here are also very knowledgable and are here to help you.


To try help you at this stage, you will notice there are many forums, you have put this post in the General Forum, you need to add RM related posts and questions in the RailMaster Forum that way you get faster replies to your posts and get them from people who know the software well.


Enjoy your hobby  😎


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Hi andel1


Note: These instructions are for setting Train-Tech signals that have de-coder in the base of them. These are the latest instructions from HRMS (Hornby RailMaster Support) following fault testing at the end of January and over-ride the manual and Train-Tech instructions.


First it is advisable to download and install the latest RailMaster revision from www.powerpos.com/rail-master/rm_setup.exe


If you have just done say you should have the latest version/updates


Open RailMaster and then open the Track Plan, that is the triangle at the top of the screen


Right Click on one of the signals in your layout design, the one you want to set up.


A box will pop up.

Your Controller set to A

Your decoder port set to the port you are setting for this signal

Signal Type is Train Tech colour light signal

When you choose your signal type 2 aspect, 3 aspect etc it should automatically complete the SEQ - PORT - SETTINGS for you.

Just below these drop down boxes you will see two colour light signals


HRMS now state...

We have made changes to a few areas of the program to allow 'only the red test button to be used to set the signal address during track design mode'.  A slight pause has been introduced when starting up the signals to ensure that the DCC signal gets through to each signal.


So to set your signal now, from track plan design, you put your signal into 'learn mode' so they are flashing then click the RED circle signal icon in signal setup, in layout design.


Good luck.

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