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Elite loco address programming problem

Bill Steam

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I have a bizarre issue with my Elite. When I try to use loco address 24 or 25, the loco does not move. I can turn lights on using f0 / f1 but changing direction does not change which lights are on. This was previously working. Loco will also not move in either direction.

I am using direct programming on a programming track which is hard wired through a switch.

I have tried changing chips (both Hornby and Bachmann) to no avail. I can programme these chips to other numbers - 30+ is looking hopeful. Has anyone seen this before? Initially i thought it was a chip issue, but changing chips and locos has made no difference.

Any ideas?

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@Bill Steam............I had a similar problem, my Elite would not recognise address 27 for some unknown reason so I simply reset the Elite and solved the problem............the only disadvantage is that a reset loses all the loco 'names' you type in so they all have to be re-entered.  HB.

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  • 8 months later...

I have this problem also except I can't seem to use an address above 30 so I've had to cram all my locos into numbers below 30 and i've basically run out... has anyone managed to determine how to fix this yet?   Also how can you tell if your select is in classic or standard mode and how do you change it as I can't see this anywhere in the manual

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Can I just check please.  You have posted this in an Elite Thread but then you mention a Select Controller.  Is this an Elite or a Select problem you have.  If Select, it would be better in a new Thread, that I will create for you if that is the case.

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Just to add to RDS's query. You mention Select, then mention in the same sentence 'Classic or Standard' mode. These modes are only relevant to an Elite. They have nothing to do with a Select.

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