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Help with freelance 4 wheel freelance carriages.


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Having successfully bought 3 blue freelance 4 wheeler carriages. I see just like the bogie clerestories that Hornby produce. They don't have any partions between the compartments. Unlike the clerestories where the roof is held on with a brass bolt screwed through from the underframe, it appears that the roofs on the 4 wheelers are glued on. So my question is "how do you remove them so I can fit some compartment partions?"


As they are blue they are ideal to run with my seventies incarnation of "Nellie" which is also dark blue. They make quite a good matched set ideal for an industrial internal railway/layout. Even look fine behind the L[ongmoor] M[ilitary] R[ailway] Austerity tank.

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These coaches are unusual, as the Roof and Glazing are all one unit. The roof is transparent plastic with a coat of paint.


The glazing clips into the window holes from the inside, making for a very firm joint.


The only way to remove the roof is to carefuly push the windows inwards, while carefully levering the roof upwards.


It may be an idea, when apart, to seperate the window glazing from the roof, fix the glazing in position, and when the interior detailing is complete, glue the roof in place?


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As an update. I managed to remove the roofs and glazing, ok. I then cut to shape some thickish card to make the partitions. I didn't seperate as you suggested Sarah the roof from the glasing, which has help hold the card in place.OK it doesn't quite reach the ceiling but no one's to know that unless they've go coaches upside down in their hands. Thanks again Sarah 😉 😘.

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As an update. I managed to remove the roofs and glazing, ok. I then cut to shape some thickish card to make the partitions. I didn't seperate as you suggested Sarah the roof from the glasing, which has help hold the card in place.OK it doesn't quite reach the ceiling but no one's to know that unless they've go coaches upside down in their hands. Thanks again Sarah 😉 😘.

No Problem... 😀 That is good to know.


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