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rail program railmaster

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hello guys, I have a problem to programming rail with railmaster: when I  save a program just made, and push the button "save" some values disappear from the column of the times, if I rewrite them, disappear other values.

It seems that if you make more of 5 seconds from one command and the successive you can save, but not always.

where am I doing wrong?

I make a sample:

New program, I write the commands as "Image 1", press button confirm,


the program is changed as "image 2".


I rewrite the command as "image 3", press button ok,


Now is changed as the "image 4"


I don't undestand !

Thank you

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  • 2 weeks later...


I have thought about getting the E-Link with the RailMaster, but the software looks like it was written for a Commodore C64.

Plus all the hassel of firing up a laptop, the extra cables, blah blah.

I've decided to start with the Select and move up to the Elite controller as funds permit.

The E Link looks horribly complicated too.

Good luck.

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How did you create the first program? Did you use the macro recording button or did you enter each program line into the editor?

The length of the description of the loco appears quite long - about 40 characters. Can this description be shortened? Can you try again with another resource? For example, a point or a signal, instead of a loco.


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 Are you using the latest version of RailMaster - v1.64?

If not, first step is to install it from the link at the top of the RailMaster forum.

I think I remember seeing this problem once in an older version.

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Hi Nick_,  I alredy have the 1.64 version.

Hi Ray, I have change the loco name with a less long one andI made a progarm using the macro recording button and anothe editing the line of program;

the problem d'ont change.

thank you


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  • 5 months later...

hi, i have tryed all the suggestions, but the problem remains.

i try to install RM on another computer, nothing..

i try to reinstall version 1.64.1.

i have writen to hony help line and they tell me to install last versiuon (1.64)..  


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Hi Nick_,  I alredy have the 1.64 version.


If the last time you updated RM was prior to 17th September, then you do not have the latest version installed. Unfortunately as many posts document. There are different versions of RM all reporting that they are 1.64.1 as NOT ALL program updates issued by HRMS (the creator of the RM application) are given a new revision number.


When you get a problem in RM it is always worthwhile downloading and running the RM installer from the link at the top of the forum RM section, even if you only did it yesterday. That way you are going to get the very latest version even if it is only hours old. In fact, when you use the RM integral 'support request' function, HRMS (Hornby RailMaster Support) usually always ask that you download the latest copy and test again as their very first initial response to you.


PS - do NOT uninstall RM first, just run the downloaded installer over the top of the current installation to keep all your current settings and valid activation key intact.

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Also, when starting up and it says searching for updates, does it actually do that?


Yes, but that process only finds and installs actual revision changes for example:

Going from 1.63 to 1.64 or going from 1.64.0 to 1.64.1

It won't find or install revisions that do not have an actual implemented change in the application revision status numbering as indicated in the line above.


If I downloaded 1.64.1 from  the link on the 5th September, does this mean mine is now out of date?


Technically Yes (or Maybe - see following comment), but as the changes that occured on the 12th and 17th Sep are not documented. It is not possible to determine if you are missing out on anything. Those two updates may have only been changes as a result of updating the loco database list (it is not possible to tell if these silent revisions contain more than just loco database updates). If the changes are just purely loco database ones, then your installed version is likely to be the same as the 17th Sep version because RM should update the loco database silently in the background as part of its startup routine if the PC is Internet connected. I suspect that this is the reason why the updates I observe in my daily 'downloaded installer' file checks are silent and undocumented.

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