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R3393tts class 47 decoder problem


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I received my new RFD class 47 (R3393TTS) last week and got to play with it over the weekend.  I added the locomotive to my locomotive list using railmaster and first noted that the sound functions did not populate.  I checked that I had the correct model which I had (the model number and picture were correct).  The locomotive ran on DCC but I could not use the sound functions. I read the CVs on the decoder fitted and got the 'decoder not recognised' message although all the CVs were populated.

Then thinking i would be clever, I listed it as R3287TTS BR large logo class 47 (which I also own) and it worked perfectly.  All sound functions were there and working.

Its not really an issue as I have got it working but am I missing an update or do I have an 'iffy' decoder?  Has any other members sufferred the same problem?

I am running railmaster through elink on Windows 8

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New locos are added to RM on an as and when we can do it basis by HRMS and these are often back door jobs Not identified by a pucka revision state or even by an interim version ID.


just redownload fairly frequently the latest iteration using the link in the RM forum header and one day your particular R number may be included.


For now just run the R number sound set that matches your loco as closely as possible and hand crank any necessary changes if any.

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Edit facility timed out a bit sharp there - less than one minute After posting My reply .

i was going to add that you should also report (using the help facility report system in RM) that although your loco model was recognised by the database the sound set was awry so could they please fix it.

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