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Out of Sync

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I have been re-engineering my layout lately. I have drawn part of the new track on RM on my master terminal. (my small laptop) Is there an easy way to syncronise it with my secondry terminal (my main laptop)?

Thanks for any help in this regard.


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As its been a couple of days without a response. It may be that nobody fully understands the question. I'm not clear on exactly what the question is either. May be worth asking it again, but this time with a little more detail included.

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Ok chris, I will attempt to make it clearer.

I have changed my railway layout. I have 2 laptops which run Railmaster. My main laptop which I use for things such as checking the forums is a slave terminal. My master terminal is a laptop permanantly connected to my layout. I do not like drawing up layouts on RM, as it takes a lot of time.

I wanted to know if there was an easy way to draw up my layout on my RM pc as this is the one i usually use, and then sync it with my other computer. I only ever draw the layout a bit at a time anyway. Also decoder adresses with points would require to be the same on both PCs.

I hope this is clearer.


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Whatever you've called the layout, the file for it in the RM folder will be that name.pln.  Copy that file and paste it into the RM folder on your other laptop.  Call it up as the default layout in the second laptop and you are in business.  Repeat the process every time you change it, no need to draw it again, just copy the file over.

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As well as name.pln that Fishy has mentioned. I would also synchronise the other files as listed in the 1.64 RM manual on page 132 between the two PC. Of course copying from the PC with the most accurate current configuration in it to the PC with the 'out of date' configuration.

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