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Waterloo French Infantry

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Hi, Waterloo French Infantry/media/tinymce_upload/668bf20ddcbe410946a5a3f3bbafa44f.jpg/media/tinymce_upload/4ade14f2f68ee6fcc0ac1e7922810e11.jpg/media/tinymce_upload/8dc1a767b385f804ba08720550e17713.jpg/media/tinymce_upload/78d576f5e3ffbc13f035b2d78705514b.jpg/media/tinymce_upload/ecd163b7f45b29d72830b19c400944fd.jpg

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Hi Ted.

Again ditto my reply to your British Waterloo Infantry. 

You really must post a How-to on your paint method. These really are superb.

Keep them coming looking forward to more.

What do you do with the fihished models, do you do War-Games or set them in a diorame? If the second would love to see the end result.

Remember we do this for fun.   John the Pom

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Thankyou John, these figures are part of the Waterloo 200th anniversary set which is what I'm working up too. It should be completed in the summer. Im currently working on the Highlanders so keep an eye out. Appreciate all you guys interest and kind comments. Cheers. P.s. Too shy for a how to vid.

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