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LIMA CCT with stiff wheels - any advice?


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A few years ago I bought a Lima BR CCT (marked as running number M94292)


It's a nice enough model, but the wheels don't spin freely - and sometimes when it's in a train, I find it's being dragged along and the wheels aren't actually turning much at all.

Is there anything I can do to make it run well?



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CCT = Covered Carriage Truck.


Has end doors, and so can be End Loaded with Carriages, or more recently, Cars.


Also has side doors for Parcels and Miscelaneous Traffic. Some were modified to carry BRUTE traffic. (The Blue parcels trolleys, British Railways Universal Trolley Equipment.)


A drop of oil on the pin-point axle ends MAY help. OR you may be able to carefully deepen the axle box holes with a drill bit by hand.


There are also special tools available to do this....

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