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RailMaster Help Site Newly Updated April 2016

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New updates have been added to the RailMaster Help Site at the top of this thread as of April 2016.


For further information regarding those updates please read the new post at the end of that thread.


For anyone interested in IP Addressing (and possible use of the document to help networking RailMaster on two machines) then I suggest reading the brand new document supplied by Chris Saf (chrissaf on this excellent forum). While it may look daunting do stick with it as the already viewable links for Fixed IP Address and Networking RailMaster will suddenly 'come alive' for you.


Any comments or suggestions for additions to the site can be emailed to myself via the About & Contacts page. All suggestions will be looked at. The contact form has been removed permanently after some web hosts banned use of a function to check legitimate email addresses etc. as it caused a loophole for spammers to exploit.


I will hopefully be adding a few sceenshots to the site to help members know what to look for and so information on installations, for example, can be followed in a much simpler fashion.


My express thanks to all who have supported my efforts in this endeavour and to Hornby Admin for their continued support in allowing the use of this wonderful forum in order to help members where help is required. Thanks also to chrissaf for the wonderfully constructed document, IP (Internet Protocol) Primer v1.1 :-)

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@chris and AC


Jolly good read - I m enlightened - well done the pair of you.


Having explained the 'nuts and bolts' of bits and bytes in the primer maybe Chris would like to take this a step further and do a write up to show the association of their use in setting up Configuration Variables in DCC decoders.


This would explain how any combination of any/all of these 8 bits can only add up to a unique value, e.g. as demonstrated by people advising one to knock 4 off the value read in CV29 to disable DC running, or to add 2 to enable 128 speed steps.


I know there are on-line calculators and RM even has one built in for CV29, but setting bits applies across many other CVs so may be worth the effort.



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A document on CV variables and the relationship with the theory of IP binary mathematics was produced by me and posted in a thread on this forum some time ago (end of last year to the best of my recollection). It was that document that triggered the idea to collaborate with AC on this freshly published document. AC and I decided to publish this new one on his site, rather than the forum because it was very specifically focused on IP with only a passing interest to RailMaster par say.


My other document that is CV specific. CV's in general but with a focus on CV29. Is a collaboration with Brian Lambert (Flashbang to you and I). He intends to include my CV document (or at least based on a version of it) as a chapter in the new book he is writing.


As it is already written I will forward a copy to AC for his consideration as yet another additional information resource on his website. 

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I have received the second document and await a response from your good self Chris as per my email to you earlier.

There is no problem publishing the document but you will see from the mail I left you that I need some further information.

The site can only get better with documents such as this which ties things nicely together re newtorking and RailMaster along with the programming of the chips etc... many thanks for all the input and help... 😀

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Have been in contact with AC. We are probably going to develop the document a bit further as another joint collaboration. Look out for a version 4.0 document (my link above is version 3.0) on AC's site at some future date. Will probably update availability here when it is ready.


Flashbang, if you're reading this. I will keep you in the loop with regard to any document revisions that are made to the CV Tutorial as you also have an interest in its contents.

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The ex CV Tutorial Ver 3 as per your request is now published on AC's site with a new title name, namely:

Binary Bits and Bytes - A Tutorial v4

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Wouldn't life have been simpler if we'd all been born with 2 fingers - 0,1,10,11,100,101,111,1000.  And then written right to left like many in this world.


Oh and get a laser printer Chris.  Much cheaper given the amount you write, the ink comes dry and no need to be drilling holes and bunging them up again when the railway room is beckoning. 

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Since AC wrote a fair proportion of it (the first half) and printed it his end. So didn't use any of MY ink.......or my fingers come to that.

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Yeah, sore fingers, tears from the pain, dry mouth from the thirst and a printer which is now so defunct of ink it is refusing to work anymore unless it has a refill of the finest quality Claria vintage. 😆 😎


On a more serious note... I enjoyed putting the first part together which was there in essence originally but I simply rewrote or restructured most of it. Binary and maths in particular was a subject I absolutely loved at school and still do followed closely by physics... ah those were the days.


Anyway, those who do read the document should find the CV part easier to grasp after taking in the rest of it. Well, that's the theory...

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Anyway, those who do read the document should find the CV part easier to grasp after taking in the rest of it. Well, that's the theory...


Exactly what I said above. I would reccomend everyone read it that wants to fiddle with CVs and understand what they are actually doing.


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