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Faulty loco decoder


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Hi All,

I'm new to DCC and recently bought the Western Express set which included Railmaster and the eLink controller. I've installed RailMaster (on Windows 10), activated it and setup the elink controller but am having problems with the Ketley Hall loco. Trying to set it up on an isolated programing track, I get a message 'Railmaster could not read the CV'. On the powered track, with the loco id set to 0003, there is no response from it, does not move and no sounds. I've tested it on a DC track and it does move. I've another DCC fitted loco 'King Richard II' which I've been able to setup with no problems. CV read fine, changed the ID and write to loco worked. This loco then works fine on the powered track with the new id, speed control and sounds all work. I've also borrowed the 2 DCC fitted locos from the Majestic set, have set these up, CV's read fine and they run on the powered track. So I’m sure the software and controller are ok.

One other symptom. If I close Railmaster and power off the eLink, put Ketley Hall on the powered track then switch on eLink, the light on the controller flashes continuously and there is a faint beeping sound from the loco. If I then start Railmaster it says it cannot find the controller. 

I've not been able to find any posts with the same problem and would appreciate any advice. Have I just got a faulty chip?


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Welcome to the forum Dave with your first post.


First of all let me congratulate you for the detailed post, nothing left out, detailed and complete. The kind of post we see too little of.


I daresay someone else may offer a different view, but on balance I think I would have to concur with your own findings. It does appear that the Ketley Hall TTS loco that is included in the Western Express set is faulty.


Given your other locos are working fine, that as you say would discount not only your eLink controller and RM installation, but also your processes for setting them up and configuring them.


It's possible something is easily fixable inside the loco such as a poorly plugged in TTS decoder, but given it is a new purchase it is probably best getting it exchanged under warranty. 

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Hi Where's Dave and welcome to the forum,

It does look like you may have a fault with the DCC chip in your Ketley Hall Loco.  You do seem to have gone about your tests in a logical way.  Was the set new and are you able to return it for checking.  This is often the best way if the set was new, because then there is no question that you have damaged it by dismantling it.

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In that case, contact Hattons absolutely. In my experience they have very good no quibble after sales service. You should have no problems getting it exchanged.

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