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Hi Guys

First time I have posted . I am pretty new to this Hobby but really it's for my Grandson !!  😉

Last week I bought ( from Ebay for him  ) a brand new boxed Flying Scotsman , Railroad R3086 ...  Loco looks great.


My problem started when I fitted a DCC27 Gaugemaster chip ... it didn't do any thing !!I read in another thread that maybe the R8249 was a possinle solution so I bought and fitted one.  It does work  BUT !! sometimes the Loco pulls up on the , and even reverses 6 to 12 inches. ( I have really cleaned the track ! ) ... The Loco will only restart ( sometimes)  with a "light" touch to the loco cabin moving the wheels slightly to the left. Has anyone else had this or a similar problem .... and solved it  ?

What if any, is the best solution ?... is a Sapphire chip worth a try ? I am not an elextronics  techie !! .... ( I'm 67 and a bit too old to start learning but I'll try !! ). I have a SELECT DCC controller, so as I have been told CV adjustments are very limited.


H E L P  !!!



( The loco when working runs pretty smoothly )

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Sounds like a pick up issue on the loco wheels. Paying more than you have already for a Sapphire decoder probably won't make any difference.


The pickups are thin brass looking wipers that rest against the BACK of the loco wheels. If they are dirty OR lose their spring tension, then the electrical continuity from the track to the loco motor (via the decoder) can become intermittent. As evidenced by your loco regaining power when wheels moved slightly sideways.


You have cleaned the track. Cleaning the wheel tyre (tire in the USA) treads PLUS the backs of the wheels may possibly solve the issue, if it is not related to wiper spring pressure. If not resolved after cleaning, then it may require loco to be stripped and either the pickups to be retensioned or replaced.


I know you said the set was BRAND NEW via e-bay. But was it a shop seller or a private individual. If a private individual it may be being sold as a dud. If a shop seller, and it is genuinely brand new then most on here would suggest you to send it back and get a refund or replacement.


PS - The Hornby Service Sheet 380B for the R3086 (downloads in the background to your nominated download folder when you click the link). You can see the wiper assembly contained within the bottom chassis components at the bottom of the Service Sheet drawing.




Some would suggest switching 'off' DC support in CV29. But as you have already stated in your query. CV support with a Select is limited and it is not possible to change CV29 with that controller.

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Hi Chris

Thanks for the quick reply  !!

I shall try what you have suggested and get back to you.

I have just checked out the seller on Ebay and all I can say at this point is he has a shop. I will mail him and let you know what happens.



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