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help please

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Going a bit off topic, but as the OP's problem seems to have been sorted it should be OK.



There is nothing similar in the RM price bracket that I can see.


The only similar level of support I know of, is by the forums of the likes of Rocrail and JMRI, which as open source software rely upon user contribution, and both of which applications work mostly with any operating system and hardware.


Never mind I'm sure RM will be all things to all people given enough time. I am happy enough so far.


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I thought the declaration 'HRMS found something we had missed' was the end of it and all was now well.


could be wrong, no doubt i will be advised accordingly.

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I agree and I think it is the end of it as well because HRMS would not leave it in an unsolved position.  

I was just pointing out that we have not been told it has been fixed.

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Hi Everyone  just a update just this minute had support check my computer well infact take it over I had done every thing right they just done two things 1  i had allowed r/m ok but they allowed r/m exe as well 

                                                                    2  compatibilty to windows 7 

so thank you everyone for trying to help me 

Posted at 17:41:12 Fri, 06 May 2016    


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