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Whitley T4273

Tony Osborne

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On 21/12/1940 Whitley T4273 DY-O of 102 Sqn was being flown by Sgt Robert Aubrey Doherty RAFVR when returning from a raid to Turin it crash landed at Topcliffe. Doherty was from Dundonald on the outskirts of Belfast and had been a pupil at Regent House School ,Newtownards. The crew were uninjured and Doherty went on to fly Wellingtons with 104 Sqn and Mosquitos with 608 Sqn, he was awarded the DFC on the 7/8/1942 when with 104 and Mentioned in Despatches on the 1/1/44. Aubrey Doherty ,by 1945 a Flt Lt, was killed on a mission to Berlin on the 23/2/45 , his body was never recovered.

The Airfix kit finished as his aircraft, certainly one of the best kits I have ever built but you really do need the Eduard masks for the glazing !!/media/tinymce_upload/0eaddd73e28ce78f8ef7a28b9bdaba10.JPG/media/tinymce_upload/4c9bc841e11725b4d5eb25df20e52563.JPG
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This is a pretty obscure subject outside WW2 plane buffs and looks fantastic. Since they were based at my local RAF station (Abingdon) during the war I ought to consider doing one of these. Still, there are a lot I want to get round to.

A nice piece of work and I agree about the paint masks (I used them on the He111 and Valiant - an absolute godsend, especially for the mass of windows on the Heinkel)

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